World Quest Assistant

WQA helps you find world quest groups quickly and easily. 


With just a couple of clicks, you can easily find and join a group, or create your own. When you are in proximity of a world quest, WQA will offer to find or create a group for you. One click of the button finds all open groups and another click will start applying to join them. Or, you can create your own group with a single click.


Apply with a single click



Key features:

  • One-click support to find a group, create a new group, or join existing groups
  • Keybinding support for full automation - just set the bind and then tap it to find or apply to groups, accept a group invite, create a new group, or leave a group after quest completion.
  • Allows you to create a new group on demand - no waiting for group finder timeouts. Open up your quest to others without having to wait for a server jump.
  • Allows you to prefer to connect to groups on your home realm, completely avoiding server jumps.
  • Can leave groups automatically after a configurable delay on quest completion, or stay in the group with a keybind you set.
  • Can find groups for quests by middle-clicking their icons on the map. Handy when you're sitting around waiting for that mob to spawn! Works with both the base UI and World Quest Tracker.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 29, 2017
  • Last Released File
    May 17, 2018
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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