Unable to edit attempts #318

  • Forge_User_44277943 created this issue Aug 29, 2018

    If you're reporting a problem, please ALWAYS include the following information or I won't be able to help you!  (Suggestions or feature requests need not use this template)

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    When i transfered servers with one of my characters alot of rarity attempts doubled, for example Astral cloud serpent is now at 94 instead of 47. I went into the addon through the interface menu and tried to edit it back to 47 but when i press ok it just goes back to 94. Tried on many different mounts but i cant edit the attempts.


    Im using the r671-release and have restarted wow many times

  • Cakechart posted a comment Aug 30, 2018

    The saved variables contain an entry storing the accountwide statistics for your old character. You'll have to delete or rename that to match the new character and realm.


    Right now it's counting two attempts for each one made by the transferred character, because it assumes they are two different characters (and there isn't a way for it to know that you've transferred the character either).

  • Forge_User_44277943 posted a comment Aug 30, 2018

    Ive tried a couple of things with my saved variables folder, including deleting olda characters folder. Still does not change my attempts on anything. The thing is all of this would be resolved if only I could manually edit my attempts, which I am unbale to do. There is a visible option to manually change them ingame but it does nothing, which I dont believe is intended.

  • Cakechart posted a comment Aug 30, 2018

    Rarity stores your settings globally, in the WTF/<AccountName>/SavedVariables folder. Deleting any character-specific folders doesn't help here. You'll need to find Rarity.lua, and then delete or rename the entry for "accountWideStatistics" for the profile you are using. Make sure to create a backup first!


    Unfortunately there is no more convenient way to fix this, as the original author hasn't added one. I can look into adding an option to manually delete characters in the future, but that won't help you right now, I'm afraid. It might be easier for you to send me the saved variables (see path above) via PM and tell me the old/new character names so I can delete it for you.


    You CAN manually change attempts, but if an item uses statistics (as the example you mentioned does), then it will automatically be updated to the newest count. In your case this is the wrong number, because it's also considering the old count of the same character on another server, which no longer exists. Rarity can't know you transferred it, and continues to account for its attempts in the summary, so the only way is to delete its statistics from the database.


    Allara also described the fix in a reply to this comment regarding the same problem: https://www.wowace.com/projects/rarity?page=5#c160

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