Estimated range display. Type /rangedisplay for configuration or /rangedisplay locked to lock/unlock the frames.
RangeDisplay is a simple range display addon. It is using spell range, item range and interact-distance based checks to determine the approximate range to your current target. Due to the whackyness of interact-distance based checks, recent versions only use those when spell/item based checks are not possible . The display can be configured in many ways (displaying only the max range, adding border and background, etc).
Currently you can set up RangeDisplay to show your current range to your target, focus, pet and mouseover units. The mouseover unit range can be anchored to the mouse or placed at a fixed position.
New in v3.8.0: It is possible to add sound notifications to "range sections" (similar to color setting). The sound will be played when entering the section. If two sections have the same sound file attached to them, then the sound is not played again if switching between the two sections.
This sound notification is enabled by default for the target unit's close range section.
Displaying max range only: if you want to display only the maxRange, you need to set Text to "%d" and tick the Reverse option for the section(s).
In reply to masta0fevil:
What exactly would you like? Only show ranges in-combat? What's the rationale?
I plugged in the LibRangeCheck-3.0 v1.0.8 into this addon and so far seems to be working.
Haven't tried on all my alts yet, but my Hunter,Mage,and Paladin all seem to be working right.
Any thoughts?
note: Balance Druid,Elemental Shaman,Destro Warlock,Havoc DH are working also.
WealAuras range check seems to be working as well.
In reply to msc6399: what exactly do you mean plugged in? i grabbed the lib 3 from github, put it in the /lib folder of this addon, commented out lib2 and added lib3 path in the rangedisplay.toc, but no change.
In reply to rukk1:
Modify line 13 in the RangeDisplay.lua also:
local rc = LibStub("LibRangeCheck-3.0")
In reply to msc6399: that seems to have done the trick, but my custom ranges/labels seem to be only half working. really appreciate the response, i'll keep fiddling around
ah, seems it won't go over 35 no matter what and only likes increments of 5. not exactly how i'd want it on a hunter, but good enough.
In reply to msc6399:
I'm planning to migrate RangeDisplay to using LibRangeCheck-3.0 (which is basically a fork of my LibRangeCheck-2.0 but more folks taking care of it). Just need to figure out the packaging bits and bobs and need some time to actually do it :)
In reply to mitchnull:
Knew you were on top of it my friend.
In reply to msc6399:
v6.0.0 is using LibRangeCheck-3.0
how to change sound channel to master?
Out of combat works perfectly, but in combat only shows 30 (between 1-30 yards) and 40 (between 30-40 yards). When you're 40 yards further it doesn't show anything. Hopefully you could fix it, thanks for the hard work i love this addon xx
In reply to izotzatv:
Blizzard broke the item range checks in combat, so unfortunately that's the best we can get now.
Still not working on combat since last update Y.Y
In reply to Macrazz:
the original fix had a stupid mistake, hopefully fixed in v5.1.3 for real now...
In reply to mitchnull: It seems like error has gone. Thank You very much!
In reply to mitchnull: While it is now showing up in combat, it only displays "0-40". Won't change according to the distante I'm from my target. =( Could it be something to do with the settings?
In reply to Macrazz:
item range checks are no longer allowed in combat, that's why you get reduced accuracy in combat now :(
In reply to mitchnull:
well that's a pitty :(
but's not reduced accuracy, the only thing I'm getting all the time while in combat is 0-40.
My bad didn't make profile for each spec. Works fine.
Thanks for a great Addon.
Under profiles "Enable spec profiles" says each spec will have it's
own profile. Doesn't work as specified.
Any changes to a spec profile is reflected in the other spec's.
So only one spec profile.
+40 yards only shows out of combat! -40 yards works in/out of combat
Still not working on combat since last update