
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

A high level interface to the standard talent API. All of the default Blizzard talent functions are mapped onto equivelant library functions which accept a unit ID. Plus many convenience functions are provided to allow collection of much of the commonly needed information.

The library takes care of all of the talent querying, roster changes and so forth. It simply notifies you when someone's talents have changed. You can directly query a talent by name, or get a quick and easy summary of their spec.

LibGroupTalents-1.0 is intended to do the following basic functions usually handled at the mod level.

  • Maintain a raid wide table of talents, automatically updated on roster changes, notifying you on talent receipts.
  • Provide easy access to talent queries (spec weight, spec name, specific talent presence).
  • Monitor talent changes in players, and notify of changes (respec, talent swap, update after out of sight, level up).
  • Monitor player roles, and notify of changes (melee, tank, healer, caster).
  • Communicate directly with itself to other users to update talents and glyphs via addon channel when possible.

Note that the LibTalentQuery-1.0 dependancy must be included before LibGroupTalents-1.0 in any lib.xml or mod side TOC declarations.

You might wander why two libraries are needed to handle talents? LibTalentQuery-1.0 has it's place; It deals exclusively with queueing and processing inspect requests, and this may still be an easier solution for some. LibGroupTalents-1.0 handles the higher level caching of talents so that re-querying on-demand is not required, and deals with comparing specs on updates from the queue and providing easy access to often needed information.


UnitHasTalent(unit, talentName[, group])

  • Returns: Points spent in talent or nil

GUIDHasTalent(guid, talentName[, group])

  • As UnitHasTalent

GetUnitTalentSpec(unitid[, group])

  • Returns: Returns: Specialization Tree, spent1, spent2, spent3, non-localized name of specialization tree
    It is possible that dominant tree will return a number in cases where talent specs have been received by comms and you have not yet encountered a player of the same class to inspect the talent names and tree names from.

GetGUIDTalentSpec(guid[, group])

  • As GetUnitTalentSpec

GetUnitTalents(unit, refresh)

  • Returns: Raw talent information in form of table of 3 strings of points spent. The refresh arg will force a re-query of the unit's talents.

GetGUIDTalents(guid, refresh)

  • As GetUnitTalents


  • Returns one of: "melee", "caster", "healer", "tank"


  • As GetUnitRole.


  • Force a refresh of talents for the specific unit.


  • Force a refresh of talents for the specific player GUID.


  • Returns: The three talent tree names for that class, then the three non-localized tree names
    Note: These return values are only valid after a player of that class has been seen by this library.


  • Returns: The three talent tree icons for that class.
    Note: These return values are only valid after a player of that class has been seen by this library.


  • Returns: Talent info got, Talent info missing


  • Returns: Comma delimited list of player names we're missing talents for

GetClassTalentInfo(class, talentName)

  • Returns: Max Rank, Icon, Tab, Tier, Column, Tree Index.
    Note: These return values are only valid after a player of that class has been seen by this library.


  • Returns: An encoded data string containing talent information for the player which can be stored by mods to set in later sessions using SetStorageString().

    This string is encoded and double checked on receipt. It has a CRC combining the WoW build number so any saved sets from old versions of WoW are automatically invalid.


  • As GetUnitStorageString.


  • Returns: true on success (applicable). Any second return value indicates the data was invalid and should not be kept.

GetUnitGlyphs(unit[, group])

  • Returns: Up to 6 spell IDs for the currently assigned Glyphs (Note: For the moment, we can only see the glyphs of players running LibGroupTalents-1.0).

GetGUIDGlyphs(guid[, group])

  • As GetUnitGlyphs

UnitHasGlyph(unit, glyph [, group])

  • Returns: true if the player has the glyph associated with spellID or spellName (Note: For the moment, we can only see the glyphs of players running LibGroupTalents-1.0).

GUIDHasGlyph(unit, glyph[, group])

  • As UnitHasGlyph


  • Wipe current roster of all talents and rescan from start

Convenience Functions

Similar to Blizzard API functions, but callable with a unit ID. Talent data is read in quite quickly once you see raid members (approximately 3 per second assuming you don't have a mod that's thrashing the NotifyInspect queue), and it's trivial to then access these familiar functions.


  • Returns: Active talent group for unit.


  • Returns: Number of talent groups for unit.


  • Returns: Number of talent tabs.

GetTalentTabInfo(unit, tab[, group])

  • Returns: Tree ID, tree name, tree description, tree icon, points spent, non-localized tree name, preview points spent (or 0 if not player), isSpecialization

GetNumTalents(unit, tab)

  • Returns: Number of talents for specified tree

GetTalentInfo(unit, tab, index[, group])

  • Returns: Talent Name, Icon, Tier, Column, Points Spent, Max Rank Note that preview return values are not given unless called with "player".

GetUnspentTalentPoints(unit[, group])

  • Returns: Number of un-spent talent points for the unit


These events are fired when any group member's talents change for any reason. You don't need to worry about querying the default API for them, just watch these events and update from the library.

LibGroupTalents_Update(guid, unit) LibGroupTalents_Update(guid, unit, newSpec, n1, n2, n3 [, oldSpec, o1, o2, o3])

  • Received updated talents. If it's a respec, or old set is known, it passes the old info also in last four args.
    This is not sent if new talent scan is same as previous.

LibGroupTalents_UpdateComplete(guid1, guid2[, ...])

  • Sent when there are no more pending talent reads due and passes all GUIDs that were updated since last time this event was fired.

LibGroupTalents_Add(guid, unit, name, realm)

  • Unit added to talent roster.
    Talents not necessarily available yet, but this is the mod's chance to feed talents using SetStorageString

LibGroupTalents_Remove(guid, name, realm)

  • Unit removed from talent roster.
    This is your last chance to store talents if required using GetUnitStorageString.

LibGroupTalents_RoleChange(guid, unit, newrole, oldrole)

  • Roles are: "melee", "caster", "healer", "tank"


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 21, 2009
  • Last Released File
    Jul 14, 2011
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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