
There are currently ( three macro commands in FSwapper3
GoFish - Equips your Fishing Pole
GoFight - Equips your Weapons
DoSwap - Equips your Fishing Pole if it's not already, else it equips your Weapons

These macro commands also support modifiers to make them much more useful. There are currently ( nine modifiers available:
Shift - If Shift key is down
Ctrl - If Ctrl key is down
Alt - If Alt key is down
LeftButton - If the Left Mouse Button was pressed
RightButton - If the Right Mouse Button was pressed
MiddleButton - If the Middle Mouse Button was pressed
Button4 - If Mouse Button 4 was pressed
Button5 - If Mouse Button 5 was pressed
Button - If ANY Mouse Button was pressed

Inverse Modifiers:
Any modifier can be inversed by prefixing it with the word: no. Therefore "noButton4" would mean if Mouse Button 4 was NOT pressed. Additionally "noButton" would mean if NO Mouse Buttons were pressed (i.e. Action Bar key binding was used).

The syntax for FSwapper3's macro commands are as follows:
/FSwapper3 <command> <mod1> <mod2> <...>

Note that the modifiers are only separated by spaces. There are no commas, semicolons, or any other characters between them.

You can use as few or as many modifiers as you want. You can even use none at all. However, since logically only one Mouse Button can activate a macro at a time, you should only use at most one Mouse Button Modifier. If you use more than one Mouse Button Modifier, FSwapper3 will only check against the last one in the list.

If you do not use a modifier, FSwapper will not check against that modifier. For example, "/FSwapper3 GoFish Ctrl" will equip your Fishing Pole only if Ctrl is pressed; and regardless of if Alt, Shift, or any Mouse Buttons were pressed. Consequently, using just "/FSwapper GoFish" with no modifiers will equip your Fishing Pole no matter what buttons were pressed.

See the section labled "Examples" below for ...well... examples.

Advanced - Conserving Macro Space:
There are several shorter names available for the Mouse Button Modifiers.
LeftButton = LeftBtn, Button1, Btn1
RightButton = RightBtn, Button2, Btn2
MiddleButton = MiddleBtn, Button3, Btn3
Button4 = Btn4
Button5 = Btn5
Button = Btn

Advanced - Modifier Logic:
FSwapper3 uses AND logic on the modifiers. Therefore, "/FSwapper3 GoFish btn1 alt noctrl", would execute GoFish if and only if the Left Mouse Button was used, while alt was held down, and ctrl was NOT held down.

If you want to implement OR logic, you need to use two or more lines. For example, if you want to GoFish if the macro was clicked with the left button, or while alt was pressed, you would use:
/FSwapper3 GoFish btn1
/FSwapper3 GoFish alt

Using this knowledge (and use it wisely) you should be able to see that you can combine AND and OR logic to your needs.

Here are some examples to hopefully expand your understanding of FSwapper3's macro system. You can either use these examples right from here, or you can modify them to your own liking.

For detailed info on making Macros in WoW, check out

Example 1:
Description: This is actually the macro that I use. It uses your fishing spell for the tooltip. This one is meant to replace your Fishing Spell on your Action Bar.
On Left Click, or Action Bar Key-Binding: Equips your Fishing Pole, and tries to fish.
On Right Click, Left Click with Alt, or Key-Binding with Alt: Equips your Weapons.
#showtooltip fishing
/fswapper3 gofish noalt nobutton
/fswapper3 gofish noalt leftbutton
/cast [nomod:alt, button:1] fishing
/fswapper3 gofight alt
/fswapper3 gofight rightbutton

Example 2:
Description: This is a much simpler version of the macro above that is useful only if you always click the macro, and don't have a key-binding on it.
On Left Click: Equips your Fishign Pole, and tries to fish.
On Right Click: Equips your Weapons.
#showtooltip fishing
/fswapper3 gofish leftbutton
/cast [button:1] fishing
/fswapper3 gofight rightbutton

Your Example Here:
Have a better idea or macro that you use, and you think others may benefit from it? Leave a comment with your macro, and if I see it I may add it to this page.


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