
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


An aggro warning system for parties and raids.
Fragile will provide various alerts when other party or raid members overaggro the tank as well as alerts when you overaggro.
Primarily aimed at heightening the awareness of the party/raid tank but useful for healers to see where damage is going next and dps as an overaggro alert.


  • Configurable Sound Alerts.
  • Combat text Alerts.
  • PartyFrame Flashing (Blizzard frames only).
  • Role aware: Player as well as other party/raid members roles (tank, healer, dps).
  • Ability to set different behaviors and warnings according to player role.
    (example: warn for healer aggro only if you are a tank, warn for self-aggro only if you are dps etc)
  • Keybinds: Manually set or override your target's role
    (tank, healer, damage, clear) if the addon failed to determine it automatically.
  • Profiles.


  • Sensitivity: How sensitive to aggro changes should the addon be?
    • Low: Alert on pulling aggro.
    • Medium: Alert when passing tank threat.
    • High: Alert when a mob looks at someone (can be spammy)
  • Throttle: How often should the addon be allowed to send out alerts (spam control)
  • Sound Toggle: Set sound alerts on/off.
  • Message Toggle: Set text messages on/off.
  • Role Voices: Use distinct voice warnings per role.
  • Gender Voices: Use distinct voice warnings per gender.
  • Party frame Flash: Toggle party frame flashing (Blizzard frames only)
  • Sounds: Set up a combination of role/gender specific sounds (SharedMedia compatible with preview)
  • Output: Set the message output, any LibSink supported outlets
    (SCT, FCT, MSBT, Parrot, WitchHunt, Error Frame, Raid Warning Frame , Channel etc)


Through Blizzard Addon Options or /fragile config
/fragile will give a brief list of options available at command-line.


enUS only for the configuration and UI elements but the core functionality will work for any language client.
Go here if you want to help with localization in your language.

Bugs & Requests

Use the ticket system.

Donations To keep the creative process fueled (beer works :o)


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 17, 2010
  • Last Released File
    Sep 11, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



Recent Files

WoW Retail

  • Sep 11, 2013
  • r19
    Sep 11, 2013