Spells used in range checks

Class (spec)UtilityMax DPS rangeInterrupt
Death Knight (Blood)Death Grip (30yd)Death Strike (Melee)Mind Freeze (15yd)
Death Knight (Frost)Death Grip (30yd)Frost Strike (Melee)Mind Freeze (15yd)
Death Knight (Unholy)Death Grip (30yd)Scourge Strike (Melee)Mind Freeze (15yd)
Demon Hunter (Havoc)Throw Glaive (30yd)Chaos Strike (Melee)Consume Magic (20yd)
Demon Hunter (Vengeance)Torment (30yd)Soul Cleave (Melee)Consume Magic (20yd)
Druid (Balance)Solar Wrath (45yd)Solar Wrath (45yd)Solar Beam (45yd)
Druid (Feral)Moonfire (40yd)Shred (Melee)Skull Bash (13yd+)
Druid (Guardian)Growl (30yd)Maul (Melee)Skull Bash (13yd+)
Druid (Restoration)Solar Wrath (40yd)Solar Wrath (40yd)
Hunter (Beastmastery)Cobra Shot (40yd)Cobra Shot (40yd)Counter Shot (40yd)
Hunter (Marksmanship)Marked Shot (40yd+)Marked Shot (40yd+)Counter Shot (40yd)
Hunter (Survival)Lacerate (<5yd) & Harpoon (5-40yd)Lacerate (5yd)Muzzle (5yd)
Mage (Arcane)Arcane Blast (40yd)Arcane Blast (40yd)Counterspell (40yd)
Mage (Fire)Fireball (40yd)Fireball (40yd)Counterspell (40yd)
Mage (Frost)Frostbolt (40yd)Frostbolt (40yd)Counterspell (40yd)
Monk (Brewmaster)Provoke (30yd)Blackout Kick (Melee)Spear Hand Strike (Melee)
Monk (Windwalker)Provoke (30yd)Rising Sun Kick (Melee)Spear Hand Strike (Melee)
Monk (Mistviewer)Provoke (30yd)Crackling Jade Lightning (40yd)
Paladin (Holy)Hand of Reckoning (30yd)Judgment (30yd)
Paladin (Protection)Hand of Reckoning (30yd)Shield of the Righteous (Melee)Rebuke (Melee)
Paladin (Retribution)Hand of Reckoning (30yd)Crusader Strike (Melee)Rebuke (Melee)
Priest (Discipline)Smite (40yd)Smite (40yd)
Priest (Holy)Smite (40yd)Smite (40yd)
Priest (Shadow)Shadow Word: Pain (40yd)Shadow Word: Pain (40yd)Silence (30yd)
Rogue (Assassination)Shadowstep (25yd)Mutilate (Melee)Kick (Melee)
Rogue (Outlaw)Pistol Shot (20yd)Saber Slash (Melee)Kick (Melee)
Rogue (Sublety)Shadowstep (25yd)Backstab (Melee)Kick (Melee)
Shaman (Elemental)Lightning Bolt (40yd)Lightning Bolt (40yd)Wind Shear (30yd)
Shaman (Enhancement)Lightning Bolt (40yd)Stormstrike (Melee)Wind Shear (30yd)
Shaman (Restoration)Flame Shock (40yd)Flame Shock (40yd)Wind Shear (30yd)
Warlock (Affliction)Corruption (40yd)Corruption (40yd)TO DO pets
Warlock (Demonology)Shadow Bolt (40yd)Shadow Bolt (40yd)TO DO pets
Warlock (Descrution)Incinerate (40yd)Incinerate (40yd)TO DO pets
Warrior (Arms)Taunt (30yd)Mortal Strike (Melee)Pummel (Melee)
Warrior (Fury)Taunt (30yd)Bloodthirst (Melee)Pummel (Melee)
Warrior (Protection)Taunt (30yd)Devastate (Melee)Pummel (Melee)


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