Default layout's conditionals and indicators explained

check spells-used-in-range-checks for list of spells used in range checks

Interrupt Range

Green border, you are in range to interrupt

Max range (DPS)

100% alpha, you are in range to use your dps abilities

Max range (Utility)

inverted by default, 35% alpha, you are too far away to use your utility spells

Out of combat

grayish Glow:Bottom, unit is out of combat

Current target

white Glow:Left&Right, unit is your current target

Focus target

pinkish Glow:Left&Right, unit is your focus target

Priority Npcs

yellow border, Glow:Left&Right&Bottom&Top, unit is in your priority npc list


pink Glow:Top, unit is attacking you, enabled for every role

Threat:Losing aggro

orange Glow:Top, someone is higher than you in the threat table, enabled for tanks only

Threat:Gaining Aggro

greenish Glow:Top, you are higher than the current tank on the threat table, enabled for every role


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