
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


This is an addon to easily manage dkp in raid. It collects a list of bidders (people interested in the loot), then once everyone has expressed its interest, you can print the list and their according dkp. DkpBidder also gives dkp by wisp. You need to use an eqdkp compatible webhost to manage yout dkp, as the addon need to be fed with dkp_list.lua
Please note that it is highly experimental, my first contact with wow addons. However I use it for my own raids so it is fully functionnal.


  • Reply "dkp" whisps giving the dkp of your members in reply. One can ask for the dkp of other members (case sensitive) by whisping "dkp Membername" to a member with the addon active.
  • Detects +1 in the raid channel and builds a list. Once the list is built you can print it, giving the dkp of all the bidders. (We give loot to the one with the highest dkp in our raids)
  • Live dkp : You can remove and add dkp to your members during the raid
  • Hooks itself cleanly with Headcount and allows you to manage the dkp in real time. When you assign a price for an item in Headcount, the according amount is substracted from DKPBidder. No more calculations in raid.
  • Persistent database : Recovers your dkp adjustments after logout.


First of all : Download your dkp_list.lua from your dkp website (in eqdkp format) and put it in /DKPBidder/DKPBidderData (or use any automatic downloader, I use MagicDkpDownloader)

Ingame :
Ask your raiders to type +1 in the raid channel if they want the loot.
Once everyone has bid, use the dialog box to print the list and your member's dkp or type /dkp print to print the list and the dkp of the bidders in the raid channel.
The autoreply function is, well, automatic. Just wait for members to whisp you "dkp" or "dkp Membername" and the addon will reply automatically.
Interaction with Headcount is automatic, just enter a price for an item in Headcount and the amount will be substracted for the buyer.


/dkp : basic info
/dkp print : prints the list after the bid
/dkp clear : clear the list of bidders (in case your raiders are having fun with +1)
/dkp add Membername amount : adds amount dkp to Membername
/dkp minus Membername amount : removes amount dkp to Membername


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  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 16, 2009
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