WIM (WoW Instant Messenger) v3
WIM (WoW Instant Messenger) is a World of Warcraft addon which brings an instant messenger feel to communication in game.
- Whispers in their own windows.
- Chat in their own windows.
- Tabbed windows
- Highly configurable.
- History
- Copy and paste as:
- Raw Text
- BBCode
- Copy and paste as:
- Advanced, intellectual window behaviors & animations.
- Skins
- Emoticons
- Clickable web URLS for easy viewing. No more retyping a long url a friend sends you.
- Customizable sound options.
- Expose - great way to clear your screen of windows when you are in combat.
- Addon Compatibility: (Always make sure you are running the latest versions.
- Prat
In reply to griffisuwu:
Did you ever find a PM manager that disables or works around this?
Invites to Community groups are blocked when someone send it in private msg to me with WIM. It says only original interface of WOW can do it. Any chance to fix it?
And is there any option in WIM to block opening a new original chat tab of WOW interface if private message received and WIM is enabled? This option is in original WOW interface, but need to turn it off when WIM is on, and turn it on when WIM is off for example.
For all of you, who have problem with icon not holding on your designed spot:
1. go to Games\World of Warcraft 1\_retail_\WTF\Account\YOURNAME\SavedVariables
2. Find WIM.lua
3. Logout your char
4. Edit it with notepad++ or whatever
5. find ["free_position"]
6. Update position manually. First line "y" is UP, second line "x" is from left to right if you have ["point"] = "BOTTOMLEFT" like me
7. Save and login to check where icon is, repeat 3-7 until you find the spot
It took me few logouts, still beter than constantly moving icon out of chat box on every character on every /reload or login. This setting stays on all of them.
Since 10.2, I can't link items into chat anymore. Is there a fix for this?
How do you turn off the profanity filter please >:( It drives me nuts https://i.imgur.com/CB8ZpvR.png and no, clicking "show message" does nothing :(
Update please.
Run into an issue with WIM seemingly censoring some posts but the profanity filter is NOT turned on. I can't see the entire message so not even sure if it's something insignificant. It says "Message from *player* is potentially inapproriate. [Show Message] (In yellow text) I'm unsure how to show the message. Anybody have any ideas?
In reply to Bloobahdoo: I have exactly the same problem... i turned off the button and it keep filtering the messages...
In reply to Maarttyr: I don't know how to fix it. It started after I updated it to the latest patch. It never happened before.
In reply to Bloobahdoo: It isn't the Mature Language Filter setting, but a new different setting that was added in 10.1.7 - near the top of the Social part of Gameplay options there is a "Censor Messages", which is by default set to "Everyone except friends" and needs to be updated on a per-character basis. If you want to avoid it you need to set it to "no one" (at least until WIM is fixed and you can reveal the messages).
It is turned off on my character, but I just received this message anyway
In reply to Bloobahdoo: Has there been any fix? My censor messages has been set to 'No one" and I'm still having no luck.
Is there a limit on how big wim's history can get?
For some reason today wim is wiping my settings file clean. But i noticed if i manually clear all the history of one of my toons and copy back the settings file i had from a backup it seems to load fine now.
After selecting the character and entering the log, the game freezes for about 2 minutes. I use the version for 9.2.7 (private server: Firestorm)
Busted for Classic:
Date: 2023-08-25 09:09:03
ID: 10
Error occured in: Global
Count: ∞
Message: Interface/AddOns/WIM/Modules/MinimapIcon.lua line 201:
bad argument #2 to 'SetGradient' (Usage: self:SetGradient(orientation, minColor, maxColor))
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: SetGradient()
[string "@Interface/AddOns/WIM/Modules/MinimapIcon.lua"]:201:
(*temporary) = 2.092000
(*temporary) = <function> defined =[C]:-1
Swatter, v1.13.6652 (SwimmingSeadragon)
WowheadLooter, v11402
AccountantClassic, vv2.12.26
Armory, vv1.11.2
ATTClassic, v1.5.7
ButtonForge, v1.0.5-classic-era
DBMCore, v43497ab
DBMStatusBarTimers, v43497ab
DBMVPVEM, v779aca0
ExtendedMapZoneInfoForClassic, v1.5
GatherMate2, v1.47-classic
Grail, v121
GrailNPCs, v27178
GrailNPCsenUS, v33302
GrailQuests, v27178
GrailQuestsenUS, v33302
GrailReputations, v007
HandyNotes, vv1.6.16
HandyNotesNPCsClassic, v1.33b
IcyVeinsStats, vJuly 17th 2023
LetMeCast, v1.3
SilverDragon, vv2023.6.1
SilverDragonOverlay, vv2023.6.1
SilverDragonRangeExtender, vv2023.6.1
SlideBar, v<%version%> (<%codename%>)
Spy, v1.2.3
TradeSkillMaster, vv4.13.11
TradeSkillMasterAppHelper, vv4.13
Wholly, v089
WIM, v3.10.13
BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v1.14.4.11404 <none>
After todays update, version 3.10.14 in Classic, I get lua errors every few mintues:
Message: Interface\AddOns\WIM\WIM.lua:140: attempt to index field 'C_BattleNet' (a nil value)
Time: Tue Aug 22 17:18:36 2023
Count: 14
Stack: Interface\AddOns\WIM\WIM.lua:140: attempt to index field 'C_BattleNet' (a nil value)
[string "@Interface\AddOns\WIM\WIM.lua"]:140: in function `GetBNGetFriendInfo'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\WIM\WIM.lua"]:464: in function `fun'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\WIM\WIM.lua"]:383: in function `CoreEventHandler'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\WIM\WIM.lua"]:59: in function <Interface\AddOns\WIM\WIM.lua:59>
Locals: friendIndex = 1
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index field 'C_BattleNet' (a nil value)"
_G = <table> {
UpdateOnBarHighlightMarksBySpell = <function> defined =[C]:-1
ERR_OUT_OF_CHI = "Not enough chi"
DH_HAVOC_CORE_ABILITY_2 = "Strong melee attack that consumes Fury. If it critical strikes, some Fury is refunded."
MerchantItem9ItemButtonStock = MerchantItem9ItemButtonStock {
GetTrainerServiceTypeFilter = <function> defined =[C]:-1
SetTrainerServiceTypeFilter = <function> defined =[C]:-1
BT4Button46Shine5 = BT4Button46Shine5 {
SPELL_FAILED_CUSTOM_ERROR_71 = "This partygoer wants to dance with you."
ERROR_CLUB_TICKET_COUNT_AT_MAX_COMMUNITY = "Can't create any more invite links for this group."
CompactUnitFrameProfilesGeneralOptionsFrameHealthTextDropdownButtonNormalTexture = CompactUnitFrameProfilesGeneralOptionsFrameHealthTextDropdownButtonNormalTexture {
XPerl_AssistsView_Close = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\ZPerl_RaidHelper\ZPerl_AssistFrame.lua:118
PawnUI_RefreshCompareScrollFrame = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Pawn\PawnUI.lua:1538
ERR_TRADE_EQUIPPED_BAG = "You can't trade equipped bags."
PVP_RANK_6_1 = "Corporal"
MultiBarLeftButton7 = MultiBarLeftButton7 {
InterfaceOptionsNamesPanelUnitNameplatesShowAll = InterfaceOptionsNamesPanelUnitNameplatesShowAll {
VideoOptionsFrameDefaults = VideoOptionsFrameDefaults {
MerchantItem2AltCurrencyFrameItem1Text = MerchantItem2AltCurrencyFrameItem1Text {
DetailsWindowOptionsBarTextEditorEntryNumberLines = DetailsWindowOptionsBarTextEditorEntryNumberLines {
OPTION_TOOLTIP_ACTION_BUTTON_USE_KEY_DOWN = "Action button keybinds will respond on key down, rather than on key up."
BINDING_NAME_NAMEPLATES = "Show Enemy Name Plates"
MultiBarBottomRightButton8Shine5 = MultiBarBottomRightButton8Shine5 {
IsReferAFriendLinked = <function> defined =[C]:-1
MAIL_LETTER_TOOLTIP = "Click to make a permanent
copy of this letter."
UnitFrameManaBar_UnregisterDefaultEvents = <function> defined @Interface\FrameXML\UnitFrame.lua:600
MANA = "Mana"
BT4Button22Flash = BT4Button22Flash {
FCFDockOverflowButton_OnClick = <function> defined @Interface\FrameXML\FloatingChatFrame.lua:2391
Colossus Smash increases your damage."
BN_UNABLE_TO_RESOLVE_NAME = "Unable to whisper '%s'. Blizzard services may be unavailable."
AutoCompleteEditBox_OnKeyDown = <function> defined @Interface\FrameXML\AutoComplete.lua:368
CompactRaidFrameManagerDisplayFrameHiddenModeToggleTopRight = CompactRaidFrameManagerDisplayFrameHiddenModeToggleTopRight {
SpellButton6Cooldown = SpellButton6Cooldown {
SLASH_LibQTip1 = "/qtip"
Graphics_QualityText = Graphics_QualityText {
In reply to KilmerCr:
Classic or Retail? Are you able to reproduce this when WIM is the only addon loaded?