
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


  1. !html

Note: As of 2.0, this now has a GUI configuration menu. It has so many options they may take up your entire screen.

VitalWatch was a mod that was based on an older mod called HealthWatch , with the addition of watching mana as well as health, and a better notification frame. My version has almost no simularities to the old VitalWatch mod, as I have taken the concept far and beyond what it once was...

Now, what IS VitalWatch you ask? Well, simply put, VitalWatch alerts you to your own low or critical health or mana, or to a party member or pet's health, using any combination of a centered large font frame, emotes, sounds, and party messages. It's so simple, a picture would be useless as best it does is display a bit of text. It currently has these features:

- Displays a message at the top center of your screen in large font alerting you who (yourself, party members, pets) has low health.

- Message to party/raid/say (configurable) when you (or optionally another party member's health) are in low or critical health or mana.

- Voice Emote / Regular Emote automatically played ("healme", "helpme", "oom", etc.) when in low or critical health or mana.
</br> - If not already using an emote, additionally a sound can be automatically played to alert you when you (or optionally another party member's health) have low or critical health and/or mana.

- Can also alert when party members, your pet, and party member pets have low/critical health with centered alert messages and/or a sound played. This can be toggled on/off.

- New in 1.2: Can spam a channel with the same messages you get at the top of the screen so you can wake that darn healer up! This can be toggled on/off, and is set to OFF by default (of course).

- New in 1.7: You can make the sides around your screen flash red for low/critical health or blue for low/critical mana.

- New in 1.7: You can enable a heartbeat-like sound which gets more rapid as you lose health.

- New in 1.9: You can now watch raid members as well as party.

- New in 2.0: A log of recent events, and a ballizion new options with a GUI.

- New in 2.1: You can now enable sounds per event (critical and low health or mana) which say the class name in the sound itself.

- New in 2.2: Aggro watching! }}}


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Nov 19, 2005
  • Last Released File
    Jan 15, 2007
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