Wrong calculation of absorb overhealing?! #417

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Assigned to zarnivoop
  • Forge_User_46596386 created this issue Feb 8, 2015

    What steps will reproduce the problem?
    1. As a Paladin start combat with a target dummy at 100% character HPs.
    2. Use Holy Light on yourself to create overhealing an absorption shields.
    3. Let shields wear off. Check calculated number.

    What is the expected output? What do you see instead?

    I tested this with a Paladin (trying Priest later) and unfortunately Skada (and Details) seem to calculate overhealing for Paladin absorbs wrong. Skada counts remaining absorption for Paladins as OH, which seems right. But it also counts *increasing* absorption shields as OH, which in turn means the addons count *twice*.


    - A Paladin cast 10k of Holy Light, this creates a 1.7k absorb shield.
    - Another 10k Holy Light increases the shield to 3.5k. Skada counts 1.7k as overhealing. (Why?)
    - Another 10k Holy Light increases the shield to 5.2k. Skada counts 3.5k as overhealing. (Why?)
    - The shield wears off unused, Skada counts 5.2k overhealing.
    - As a result Skada count 1.7k + 3.5k + 5.2k = 10.4k as overhealing.

    This is wrong on two fronts from my point of view. First, Skada already count the pure *increase* of Paladin shields as overhealing even though the old shields are not wasted at all. It may well be that these shields are used later on. Second, when the shields have not been used the same amount gets counted as overhealing *again*. So the same healing is counted as OH *twice*.

    What version of the product are you using?

  • Forge_User_46596386 added the tags New Defect Feb 8, 2015
  • Forge_User_46596386 posted a comment Feb 8, 2015

    I just tested the Discipline priest and both Details and Skada do the same thing with "Divine Aegis" that they do with the Paladin's "Mastery: Illuminated Healing" absorption shield. Every time the shield is increased (by another crit for the priest) Details and Skada count the old shield value as overhealing. Every time the shield runs out the summed up shield values are counted as overhealing *again*. So same thing, the shield increase should not be counted as OH and even more so one cast should not be counted as OH *twice*.

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