Scourge Strike physical and shadow not summed #163

  • New
  • Defect
Assigned to zarnivoop
  • Mooninaut created this issue Dec 10, 2010

    What steps will reproduce the problem?
    1. Log in to an Unholy-specced Death Knight
    2. Use Icy Touch and Plague Strike on a target dummy to apply Frost Fever and Blood Plague
    3. Use Scourge Strike
    4. Open the Current Fight -> Damage -> Your character view in Skada
    5. Mouse over Scourge Strike

    What is the expected output?

    One Scourge Strike hit including both the physical and shadow damage done by the strike.

    What do you see instead?

    Two Scourge Strike hits, one for the physical damage and one for the shadow damage components of the strike.

    What version of the product are you using?


  • Mooninaut added the tags New Defect Dec 10, 2010

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