Suggestions #24

  • New
  • Enhancement
Assigned to lomiedo
  • _ForgeUser1128957 created this issue Feb 9, 2015

    It would be nice to be able to add our own sets and have a Custom section. Maybe even attach a custom set to another set as a variant.  For instance I am collecting the recolored warlock tier 10 set.  Adding all these recolors would be a pain but if someone could just add them in themselves and save the set in the SavedVars.

    Another suggestion would be the ability to ignore certain parts of a set.  As a robe wearer, I don't both collecting most legs to sets as they take up space for something I can't see anyway.  Being able to ignore them isn't a big deal but would be nice to see 4/4 instead of 4/5 and a blank slot all the time.

  • _ForgeUser1128957 added the tags New Enhancment Feb 9, 2015
  • karaste posted a comment Feb 14, 2015

    I was just here to suggest this. Also, I try to substitute tunics for robes as I like that look better. Would be nice if one could make substitutions.

  • Lomiedo added a tag Enhancement Mar 20, 2017
  • Lomiedo removed a tag Enhancment Mar 20, 2017

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