
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

RS_ClassColors colorizes player names by their class colors (as shown in the raid window). Player names that appear in the chat log, the friends list, the /who results list, the guild roster, and the battlegrounds scoreboard will be colored by class. You have the additional option of leaving offline players colored gray.

A player's class is garnered from the guild roster, friends list, party/raid list, or results of a recent /who query. If the player is not in any of these lists (e.g., he is some random n00b spamming in Orgrimmar/Ironforge), his name will be colored gray until his class can be determined.

Player's classes can be saved from session to session, such that a growing database of players' names and classes is kept. This can of course take up a lot of disk space, so the option is available to turn this off. (It is off by default.)

Along with player names, players' levels and zones can be colorized in the friends list, guild roster, and /who results list. Levels are colored the same as in the target frame, and zones are shaded green if they are the same as your zone.

If you dislike the coloring effect on any particular part of the game, you can turn it off. You can individually control whether or not to color player names in the chat window, battlegrounds scoreboard, guild tab, friends list, or /who results list.

For instructions on how to do all this, please type /rscc after installing the mod.

RS_ClassColors is an Ace3 mod. Ace3 is embedded; no need to download it separately. Ace3 embeds LibStub; therefore, RS_ClassColors may not work correctly with other mods that embed an older and incompatible version of LibStub.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Dec 15, 2006
  • Last Released File
    Apr 2, 2008
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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