repeatable bugg #316

  • Forge_User_86585142 created this issue Aug 10, 2018

    If you're reporting a problem, please ALWAYS include the following information or I won't be able to help you!  (Suggestions or feature requests need not use this template)

    • Addon version (Example: r664-alpha)
    • Did you RESTART the game after updating the addon? (Make sure to exit and close fully the client, and not just reload your UI, to detect newly-added files)
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     Thank you for understanding! It's not always easy to troubleshoot problems. Please don't make it more difficult by disregarding these suggestions.

    I need to mark repeatable in all mounts/pets to track the count when I farm it, there are something that mark all or some way to don't mark every mount/pet manually? thanks

  • Cakechart posted a comment Aug 11, 2018

    Once a pet/mount has been obtained, Rarity by default stops tracking it. It wasn't always that way but got changed at some point by the original author(s):

    Pets marked repeatable was very, very confusing to users. It created so many tickets over the years. It’s up to you if you want to change it back, but I think Urtgard and I agreed after years of it that it was better to not have anything set to repeatable out of the box. It’s far more confusing than having them all off.

    I decided to not change this behaviour so as to not confuse users even more. However, I don't think it's very practical and have been meaning to add a toggle for all pets/mounts/etc. in the future. Unfortunately, it's not a high priority item. With there being so many other issues, it could take a while until I get around to actually doing it.


    See this issue on GitHub, which should cover the same suggestion (and adds to it somewhat):

  • Cakechart posted a comment Dec 16, 2020



  • Cakechart closed issue Dec 16, 2020

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