This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Note From Apoco
With the increased amount of time required to keep up other mods that I have supported, along with work, I was nolonger able to keep this updated the way I wanted to post-wrath. Kameril, the original creator of it has taken over RBM once again and is calling it RBM2. He has my entire support, and I hope those of you which helped me will give him all the assistance he requires. Thanks.
- Apoco
RBM2: http://wow.curse.com/downloads/wow-addons/details/rbm2.aspx

The config addon is not included with this. It is a seperate addon requiring installation. It can be found on http://files.wowace.com/RBM_Config**
RBM is the spiritual succesor to BarAnnounce. The majority of the code has been rewritten or refactored. RBM is roughly half the size of BA3, with twice the features.

RBM main functionality is that only one person needs a boss module for the entire raid to receive alerts. This allows you to have the ability to have only one person running the boss mod and if there is an error to get it corrected quickly and all people benefit from the correction rather than everyone having to update their mods for it to work properly. This is also very good for new encounters which mods are not written for because you can update on-the-fly and not have to worry about people updating. Also, I am typically in the IRC Channel, if there is a bug with a boss mod, let me know and I will get it fixed asap.

Along with the Boss-Mods that RBM has, there are several other plugins that you can get for it. These include:
CooldownWatch: Allows you to track your cooldowns in a filtered environment of your choice and syncronize your cooldowns with others in your raid.(Included)
ie: If 3 mages have RBM installed and have Counter-Spell set to be announced, every mage will see all Counterspell Cooldowns to be able to do a rotation much easier.
DeBuff Watch: Allows you to track the debuffs/buffs you cast on players/mobs in a filtered environment(Included)
AutoRespond: Allows you to auto-respond to tells when you are incombat with a boss, this will not filter tells from people in your raid/group(Included)
SpamBlock: Allows you to block all whispers, raid warnings, raid chat, raid warnings from boss mods, etc while incombat with a boss.(Included)
TestSuite: Allows you to test your configuration of all current bars.(Included)
DrumsWatch: Tracks party members Drums of Battle Cooldown
TrapWatch: Tracks hunter's Ice Trap Cooldown, Duration and Uptime.
TotemWatch: Tracks Shamans Windfury Totem Pulsing, Timer, Totem Timers, and Water Shield Charges/Duration

You have the ability to make any number of frames that you want, have bars travel from one frame to another depending on time remaining or percentage of time remaining, all with different styles. You can also setup sound events that will alert you when certain bars are almost over.

There is a lot more things that RBM has the capability of doing such as filtering by bar names, bar types, categories, and much much more. Unlike other mods, RBM updates all information on the fly. ie: If you cast Hunter's Mark on a mob, wait 30 seconds and recast it on the same mob. Some mods will still show 1:30 left remaining on Hunters Mark, RBM will show the correct 2:00 duration.

RBM was originally written by Kamerial, the author of Dock. When Risen quit wow, he handed over development of RBM to me. RBM is by far from perfect, it is just another option to use in the WoW-Mod world.


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  • Created
    Aug 18, 2008
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