Feature request / voluntier #12

  • New
  • Enhancment
  • _ForgeUser2649031 created this issue May 28, 2009

    What is the enhancement in mind? How should it look and feel?

    Please provide any additional information below.

    Hi first of all great addon.
    This makes my life easier, instead for searching for a large set of buttons, I can see whats next in line.
    I was using watcher addon, but, it has nice graphics, but it's not providing me right feedback, I roll a Hunter as a Main, and specially the Kill Shot was very fallible.

    I don't know what are your plans, for the development of the addon, but I leave here some suggestions:

    1- The possibility to view the next spell at all times. I don't like the hide/show feature, specially when I'm interacting/fighting multiple mobs, a option to hide/show or always show perhaps could be possibility.

    2- It's possible to cast the spell by clicking the icon? Would be nice to have a single click button, you know which spell you want to cast, so probably would be to "call it".

    3- Attach a hot-key to the next active spell.

    I don't want to just throw you the ideas over your lap. You obviously must have many hour on the project, so if you need a hand, and explore them, let me know. I'm not proficient in LUA, but I'm know many other programming languages, and will probably be a matter of time.

    Kind regards,

  • _ForgeUser2649031 added the tags New Enhancment May 28, 2009
  • MondoCanni posted a comment May 28, 2009

    2 and 3: I don't think Blizzard allow this anymore. And to be honest, what's fun about pushing only one button?

  • _ForgeUser1201377 posted a comment May 29, 2009

    1 - Reasonable idea, a show/hide button would be useful.

    2,3 - Kowalski is right, unfortunately 2 and 3 aren't possible since a bit before TBC. ButtonTimers does something similar with timer bars you can press, but the key difference is the buttons can't move.

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