[Feature Request] Limit Overabsorb #1303

  • Enhancement
  • Forge_User_68103388 created this issue Sep 16, 2020

    Hi would it be possible to implement an option to enable and choose a percent limit for the overabsorb? Sometimes shields like Chi Cocoon or Brewmasters new Celestial Brew can result in massiv shields sometimes even larger then max health. Its already possible to implement the limit by changing a single number in the VisualHeal.lua so the change would only require a adding a toogle to activate and a slider to choose the limit to the options of the visual heal module.

  • Forge_User_68103388 added a tag Enhancement Sep 16, 2020
  • Forge_User_68103388 posted a comment Sep 16, 2020

    i also added i managed to add the options by adding


    , 'limit_overabsorb', {
    		type = 'toggle',
    		name = L["Limit overabsorb"],
    		desc = L["Limit how much overabsorb can exceed the health bar"],
    		get = function(info)
    			return PitBull4.Options.GetLayoutDB(self).limit_overabsorb
    		set = function(info, value)
    			PitBull4.Options.GetLayoutDB(self).limit_overabsorb = value
    		disabled = disabled,
    	}, 'maximum_overabsorb', {
    		type = 'range',
    		name = L["Maximum overabsorb"],
    		desc = L["Maximum length of the overabsorb bar compared to the health bar."],
    		min = 1,
    		max = 2,
    		isPercent = true,
    		get = function(info)
    		return PitBull4.Options.GetLayoutDB(self).maximum_overabsorb
    		set = function(info, value)
    			PitBull4.Options.GetLayoutDB(self).maximum_overabsorb = value
    		step = 0.01,
    		bigStep = 0.05,



    at the end and


    	if limit_overabsorb and ((player_percent+others_percent+current_percent+absorb_percent) > maximum_overabsorb) then
    		absorb_percent = maximum_overabsorb - (player_percent+others_percent+current_percent)


    after line 110 i also added


    	local limit_overabsorb = self:GetLayoutDB(frame).limit_overabsorb
    	local maximum_overabsorb = self:GetLayoutDB(frame).maximum_overabsorb


    in line 94 and


    	limit_overabsorb = true,
    	maximum_overabsorb = 1.3,

     to the Defaults.


    But sadly i dont know how to hide the checkbox and slider for limit overabsorb as long as the show overabsorb checkbox is not checked.


    Edited Sep 16, 2020

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