Charcter Portrait (Full Body) moves position when in combat. #1294

  • Forge_User_12815375 created this issue Jun 20, 2020

    Hi Pitbull 

    First of all, thank your for making this incredible addon. I think I've made a pretty cool UI with it! Will link you screenshots of the problem below. 

    I've made my personal "Pitbull" UI in a way that makes the portait show a full body 3D of a character under the frames. This fits for my Bartender addon. However I realised when I'm in combat in PvP the 3D model is not the the same place. This only accours in PvP combat and it's only the Target.


    Out of Combat:

    What Happens when my target is in combat:

    Have I set it up wrong or is this a bug?

  • Forge_User_12815375 edited description Jun 20, 2020

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