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  • Uploaded
    Apr 6, 2009
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Supported WoW Retail Versions

  • 3.0.9


2009-04-06  Bryan McLemore  <kaelten@gmail.com>

[60bcaeba9164] [tip]
* plugin/plugin.lua

fix code in a dead file so the commit hook won't bitch

* .pkgmeta, OneBag3.toc

fixes to pkgmeta and the toc

* .pkgmeta, OneBag3.lua

few small tweaks

* OneBag3.lua

added the L variable to the main file

* OneBag3.lua

setup for localization

* .pkgmeta, OneBag3.lua OneBag3.toc OneBag3.xml OneConfig3.lua core/core.lua core/load.xml core/plugin.lua core/prototypes/bag.lua core/prototypes/frame.lua core/prototypes/load.xml core/prototypes/module.lua core/prototypes/slot.lua load.xml localization/deDE.lua localization/enUS.lua localization/esES.lua localization/esMX.lua localization/frFR.lua localization/koKR.lua localization/ruRU.lua localization/zhCN.lua localization/zhTW.lua plugin/handler.lua plugin/included/load.xml plugin/included/sorting/load.xml plugin/included/sorting/simple.lua plugin/load.xml plugin/plugin.lua plugin/plugin.old.lua plugin/prototypes.lua plugin/types/load.xml plugin/types/sorting.lua

complete reorganization

2009-03-08  Bryan McLemore  <kaelten@gmail.com>

* .hgignore, .pkgmeta, OneBag3.lua OneBag3.toc OneConfig3.lua core/core.lua core/core.xml core/load.xml core/plugin.lua core/prototypes/bag.lua core/prototypes/frame.lua core/prototypes/load.xml core/prototypes/module.lua core/prototypes/slot.lua load.xml localization/deDE.lua localization/enUS.lua localization/esES.lua localization/frFR.lua localization/koKR.lua localization/load.xml localization/ruRU.lua localization/zhCN.lua localization/zhTW.lua localizations/enUS.lua localizations/locals.xml plugin/handler.lua plugin/included/load.xml plugin/included/sorting/load.xml plugin/included/sorting/simple.lua plugin/load.xml plugin/prototypes.lua plugin/types/load.xml plugins/sorting/simple.lua

major restructuring of the code
removal of the old plugin system to make way for the new

2009-01-27  Bryan McLemore  <kaelten@gmail.com>

* OneBag3.toc OneCore3.lua core/core.lua core/core.xml core/plugin.lua core/prototypes/bag.lua core/prototypes/frame.lua core/prototypes/module.lua core/prototypes/slot.lua localizations/locals.xml

restructured the core

2009-01-25  Bryan McLemore  <kaelten@gmail.com>

* .hgtags:

Added tag v3.0.17-beta for changeset 3cd3a99ca901

[3cd3a99ca901] [v3.0.17-beta]
* OneCore3.lua

fixed bug in OneBank3 where setting an option early could cause bugs.

2008-12-14  Bryan McLemore  <kaelten@gmail.com>

* .hgtags:

Added tag v3.0.16-beta for changeset fd3893d18eef

[fd3893d18eef] [v3.0.16-beta]
* OneCore3.lua

added support for changing of some options on the purchase frame in onebank

2008-12-13  Bryan McLemore  <kaelten@gmail.com>

* OneCore3.lua

stops the base bank from showing up again

* OneBag3.lua OneCore3.lua

changes to support displaying of bankbags

2008-12-11  Bryan McLemore  <kaelten@gmail.com>

* .hgtags:

Added tag v3.0.15-beta for changeset 3645ec5b16be

[3645ec5b16be] [v3.0.15-beta]
* OneBag3.toc

update version

* OneCore3.lua

fixes issue with OneBank3's bank slots not having tooltips

2008-12-10  Bryan McLemore  <kaelten@gmail.com>

* .hgtags:

Added tag v3.0.14-beta for changeset edb6162324d6

[edb6162324d6] [v3.0.14-beta]
* OneCore3.lua

Further update for OneBank's addition

* OneBag3.lua OneBag3.toc OneCore3.lua

Cleanup and enhancements, prep for committing OneBank3

2008-12-09  Bryan McLemore  <kaelten@gmail.com>

* OneBag3.toc

another tweak

* OneBag3.toc

updated toc to reflect the next tag (will be 3.0.14)

* OneConfig3.lua

made max col width 32 slots

* .hgtags:

Added tag v3.0.13-beta for changeset 736ae9c0d14d

[736ae9c0d14d] [v3.0.13-beta]
* plugins/sorting/simple.lua

cleanup of some of the code, remove of some debug stuff

* OneBag3.lua OneConfig3.lua OneCore3.lua plugins/sorting/simple.lua

unloading of options when SimpleSort is disabled.

* OneConfig3.lua OneCore3.lua plugins/sorting/simple.lua

got the options related to simplesort working again

2008-12-04  Bryan McLemore  <kaelten@gmail.com>

* OneBag3.lua OneConfig3.lua OneCore3.lua plugins/sorting/simple.lua

plugin architecture fleshed out and overhauled further.

Current limitations, only sort plugins allowed for and only one can be enabled at a time.  That makese sense for Sorts but maybe not for other types.

Currently the BagBreak, Valign and BagOrder options won't work as they aren't tied into the plugin yet.

Yes the 'BROKEN' sort plugin is a test plugin, and yes it'll be removed.

2008-12-03  Bryan McLemore  <kaelten@gmail.com>

* plugins/sorting/simple.lua

beginnings of simple sorting plugin

* OneBag3.toc OneCore3.lua

mostly functional plugin harness