Masque debuff highlight issues #237

  • New
  • Defect
Assigned to adirelle
  • Veyska created this issue Dec 13, 2011

    ----- What steps will reproduce the problem?
    1. Have Masque, Masque: Caith, and InlineAura enabled (versions of Masque/M:Caith don't seem to matter, but InlineAura needs to be v1.7-beta-2-4-g9565097 or later)
    2. Debuff an enemy

    ----- What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
    Using Masque: Caith, debuff highlight doesn't show.  Stacks and duration do, and coloration will show for other Masque skins (or at least the three default ones).  Toggling between Masque Skins sometimes will get a highlight to show for Caith but only briefly.  Self-highlights still seem to be fine from what I saw, though.  Tried playing with color values for Masque: Caith in case it was a return of , but that didn't change anything.

    ----- What version of the product are you using?
    Masque versions v4.2.375/v4.2.370/r378, Masque: Caith v4.2.70/v4.2.76, and InlineAura v1.7-beta-4-1-g08954f2/v1.7-beta-4/v1.7-beta-3/v1.7-beta-2-4-g9565097/v1.7-beta-2 (all versions of InlineAura -nolib).

    ----- Do you have an error log of what happened?

    ----- Please provide any additional information below.
    Didn't try every combination of versions, but the debuff highlights only showed up when I rolled InlineAura back to v1.7-beta-2.  Re-updated both Masque and Masque: Caith while keeping beta-2 and the highlights were still there.  This may well be a problem with Masque or Masque: Caith, but posting here first since this mod was the one where rolling it back got the highlights back.  Using Dominos if that makes any difference.  Planning on trying out a few more Masque skins later tonight, will update here if I find anything else interesting (will jump back to the newest version of InlineAura at least briefly to see what additional skins do).

  • Veyska added the tags New Defect Dec 13, 2011

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