Make sure you swap to the MoP/WoD version of this addon.
MoP/WoD version available: GridStatusRaidDebuff2
Adds a status to Grid for debuffs applied by Raid Bosses.
You either need to install one of these zone packs or turn on "Detect New Debuff" to detect new zones and new debuffs in those zones otherwise the addon does nothing.
Cataclysm Raid Debuff List
Wrath of the Lich King Raid Debuff List
The Burning Crusade Raid Debuff List
How do I get the Raid Debuff to show up in Grid as the Center Icon?
- Open Grid Options
- Select the Indicators tab at the top
- Select Center Icon on the left
- Check Raid Debuff
(This option is also under Status->Raid Debuff->Center Icon, they both toggle the same setting)
If you are having problems, please make sure that you are running the latest version of Grid. Grid versions prior to 1384 has a known issue with debuffs showing.
Bug Reports:
Thanks, stassart and Greltok.
Hope Gridstatusroles gets updated, thank you guys for all the great Grid addons
I installed now gridstatusraiddebuff-mop.
Can I delete now gridstatusraiddebuff r302? Or musst I instllad both addons?
They both get installed as GridStatusRaidDebuff directory under addons. If you are installing in the Curse client, you can get rid of the gridstatusraiddebuff r302.
Please swap to GridStatusRaidDebuff MoP:
I uploaded version r302 as a release version to this addon. All it is is a small addon that puts up a pop up to swap to GridStatusRaidDebuff MoP. I thought this might help people who are downloading this addon without reading this page.
I have found some bug, can you look at it before updating addon for MoP?
The problem is you are trying to use this addon on MoP, the manager of this project hasn't been reachable for a year or more and I got frustrated with not being able to make some of the changes I needed to the project, so I moved the addon for MoP so that I can properly manage it:
I appologize for any confusion this causes.
I would edit the short description in the Curse client to make a note to move addons, but that is one of the things I do not have access to change on this one.
MoP beta version available:
I keep getting this on load in "Removed old debug setting from module GridStatusRaidDebuff false", do I need to do anything?
This seems to be a message from running newer versions of Grid (1477+). I am looking into it and working on making sure this addon works for MoP. You can safely ignore the message for now.
The message has to do with the change in Grid 1477:
I am not going to remove the message for Cata, because if I remove it, it could cause problems for anyone using Grid prior to 1477, and it just is the message you commented on for anyone running a newer version which does not cause any problems. I will remove the message in the MoP version of this addon as by then everyone should be using a version of Grid newer than 1477.
Version r300 and later reduce the need for libBabble translations. It no longer requires libBabble translations at all if you just use debuff detection in GridStatusRaidDebuff. If you use a debuff library like GridStatusRD_Cata it requires the correct zone translation in libBabble to be able to load that zone into GridStatusRaidDebuff, but boss names no longer need to be translated for functionality (although they will show up in English in the debuff list if they are not translated).
As I only have access to the English client, if someone who is currently having issues can give it a try and please let me know if it helps, that would be much appreciated.
I went ahead and marked r300 as release as it does seem to help at least for anyone running debuff detection.
How do I set it to "just use debuff detection in GridStatusRaidDebuff"?
Hello, thanks for this addon!
I'm a french player and this addon wasn't working on DragonSoul, but he was still working in FL. (Because of the French version of WoW)
I made the changes you said :
In : addons\GridStatusRaidDebuff\Libs\LibBabble-Boss-3.0
I edited : LibBabble-Boss-3.0.lua
And i replaced that :
--["Hagara the Stormbinder"] = "",
by that :
["Hagara the Stormbinder"] = "Hagara la Lieuse des tempêtes",
And I did this for every bosses. And it's working perfectly !
I also replaced in : addons\GridStatusRaidDebuff\Libs\LibBabble-Zone-3.0\LibBabble-Zone-3.0.lua
["Dragon Soul"] = "L'Âme des dragons", -- Needs review
by :
["Dragon Soul"] = "Âme des dragons", -- Needs review
I don't know if this last change was useless or not, but it's working, and it took just few minutes.
(I also instaled the Release and not the Alpha like you said. Because it wasn'it working with the Alpha, even if i erased the "#" before DragonSoul.lua)
Anyway, good job for this addon!
You may want to contribute the correct translations to libBabble:
Are you sure "Âme des dragons" is correct for French? According to wowhead "L'Âme des dragons" is correct. r24 was the alpha version I was talking about, it was updated to release status when 4.3 came out.
I know, and I'm confused . Also in WoW, when a character is in DragonSoul, his location is : "L'Âme des dragons". So I tested :
- I played in RaidFinder with "L'Âme des dragons". and my Grid didn't show raid debuffs.
- Then I changed "L'Âme des dragons" into "Âme des dragons". I played again in Raid Finder : and all debuffs were shown into my Grid.
So with "Âme des dragons" this addon works. And doesn't work with "L'Âme des dragons". I made this change because on the Armory, the DragonSoul name is "Âme des dragons".
Before contribute to libBabble, I will test this for one other addon, to be sure.
I've the same problem like exxilia
This seems to be a common issue if you are running in a language that is currently missing libBabble translations. I have uploaded an alpha version that I hope solves this issue for most users. The new version only requires a translated zone (and no longer boss names) in libBabble if you are using a debuff library (like GridStatusRD_Cata). If you use not using a debuff library, the new version should not require libbabble translations at all.
Please give the alpha version 300 a try and let me know if it solves the problems or not, as I don't have access to a non-English WoW client I am limited in the testing I can do for other languages.
: Hey guys i've got a problem with my addon Grid normally Raid Debuff loads all the bosses from the actual content but my Grid loads only the first boss Morchok. This is pretty bad because i'm the only one with this problem, besides i've got every addon updated recently, so everything is up to date. Now my question is if there is a solution for this problem. I've tried to figure out whether the problem is with other addons or with my WoW but i couldnt find out anything. Does someone know anything about this problem or has the same problems like me. I hope u can help me thank you
First of all: Great addon. It helps a ton. I really appreciate your work.
I'd like to place some of the Raid Debuff options in the side icons, but not all of them, different ones on each icon.
For example: On Morchok, have Crush armor as the center icon and then the Danger icon showing up on the right side icon. Is this possible with the curent addon?
If not, I was thinking I would make a 2nd copy of the raid debuff addon and put one on the center icon and the second on a side icon. Then mess with priorities so only some debuffs show up on each icon.
Any suggestions you have would be welcome. Thanks for your time.