
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

ezInterrupt is an addon designed to simplify the task of interrupting during boss encounters.

• Shows an icon and plays a sound ("cast alert") when you can interrupt (only if your interrupt is not on cooldown and the cast is interruptible).
• Spell filtering allows you to suppress unwanted cast alerts (for Release Aberrations on Maloriak for example).
• Cast alerts are available for your target or focus (whichever you specify).
• Can announce your interrupts in a variety of ways (including whispering another player).
• The interrupt message is fully customizable.
• Zone settings allow you to control where the addon will be active (only in raids for example).
• All interrupts are supported.

Feedback and comments are appreciated. Please report bugs or problems by creating a ticket. If you want to help translating the addon into another language, please use ezInterrupt's localization page.

Planned improvements: better support for interrupt rotations, slash commands, GUI improvements.

Revision 35 adds option to flash the screen on cast alert, adds missing Moth pet interrupt, fixes the "spell removed from blacklist/whitelist" message and adds two new sounds.
Revision 34 allows you to customize each of your interrupt abilities, adds support for Strangulate and Arcane Torrent.
Revision 26 adds code to handle cast alerts properly when auras that give immunity to interrupts are cast or fade (only in PvE). This might not work correctly yet.

Slash Commands
Currently there are no slash commands available. ezInterrupt's configuration options are located in Blizzard's addon options.

Known issues
• In untranslated non-english versions of WoW, cast alerts do not work correctly with pet interrupts because translated pet types are required for the code to work.
• A few spells, such as Al'Akir's Electrocute, are erroneously flagged as being interruptible when they are not. This is a problem with Blizzard's code. I recommend adding these spells to the blacklist.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Feb 16, 2011
  • Last Released File
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