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Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 6.0.2
Decursive (2014-10-13)
Changes from Decursive to Decursive (2014-10-13)
Compatibility fixes for WoD:
- Cooldown animation on MUFs had stop working with WoW 6.0
- Fix several Lua errors caused by API changes
Add new Gratipay and Bitcoin donation options on Curse and WowAce.
Changes from Decursive to Decursive (2014-06-09)
Added automatic support for DK's Icy touch (when its namesake glyph is
available). -
Fix rounding issues preventing the MUFs' handle and the help tool-tip from
being repositioned properly when at the top of the screen and the UI scale is
not set to exactly 100%. -
Chinese localization updates by Ananhaid.
Add the fact that Symbiosis is supported in the features list.
Changes from Decursive 2.7.3 to Decursive (2014-02-03)
- Re-added Shamans' PURGE as a default spell. It disappeared by accident some
time ago... Thanks to TazRulez for pointing this out!
Changes from Decursive to Decursive 2.7.3 (2013-09-11)
New feature: Decursive can display the number of stacks for the topmost
affliction in the center of each MUF. The counter still defaults to time-left,
this can be changed in the MUF's options. If you set your counter to
time-elapsed in the past, it will be reset to time-left with this release. -
Maintaining the 'Shift' key will now change MUF's center counters in the
following ways: if the Time-Left or Time-Elapsed option is set then it will
switch to displaying the stacks number ; if the stacks display option is set,
then it will switch to displaying the time left. -
Important code optimizations and improvements.
Added an exception for when 'Fluidity' is detected on a unit, Decursive will
ignore all afflictions on that unit. (other similar afflictions can be added
easily, this should be turned into a configurable option later. In the mean
time you can create a ticket if you want other anti-cleansing afflictions to be
added). -
Decursive no longer dynamically hides option panels when the related features
are disabled. Instead, the panels' content is greyed out. -
Fix: it was impossible to edit the internal macro for default custom spells.
Change the live-list display option to be opt-in rather than opt-out.
Clarified several options settings (option names and related tool tips)
The charm status green centered square is now displayed in the top-right of
MUFs so that the center counter can be read. -
The aforementioned charm status square can now be tested by putting 'Charm'
as first priority and checking "Create a virtual test affliction" in
Decursive's general option panel. -
Localization updates by Ananhaid (zhCN) and Yllelder (esES). Some phrases
were modified to clarify some settings. I've updated the French translations
but eight other languages are needing some attention. -
Remove the silence at the start of the 'Unstable Affliction/Vampiric touch'
warning sound.
Changes from Decursive to Decursive (2013-05-21)
- Updated TOC for WoW 5.3.
Changes from Decursive to Decursive (2013-04-14)
Added support for Hands of Sacrifice which can dispel magical effects on
party/raid members for retribution Paladins. -
Enhanced the internal mechanism for unit exclusion (this concerns spell only
usable on the player or on party/raid members): it now also works for MUFs'
buttons assignments.
Changes from Decursive to Decursive (2013-03-10)
Fix Symbiosis support: Decursive now correctly detects "Cleanse" and "Purge"
for Druids and "Cyclone" for Priests. -
Decursive will no longer show its "send this debug report to the author"
window if the self diagnostic detects a PBCK issue (missing or outdated
library, missing file, incompatible TOC, mixed file versions). -
Emphasized in the corrupted installation pop-up that the WoW client must
NOT be running while installing add-ons.
Changes from Decursive to Decursive (2013-03-07)
- Fix the custom spell upgrade system that could error out when logging in on a
character for the first few times (the upgrade did go through though).
Changes from Decursive to Decursive (2013-03-06)
Decursive's master spell table is now indexed by spell-IDs instead of
localized spell-names this will fix localization related name collision issues.
These collision were preventing auto-configuration to work correctly for some
locals (such as Russian Paladins). -
Fixed a rare 'index is nil' Lua error happening is some race conditions when
mouse-hovering the MUFs. The same race conditions could cause the MUFs' handle
to be displayed in an unexpected position... -
Switched back to AceTimer-3.0 which is reliable again now.
Changes from Decursive to Decursive (2012-12-25)
Added automatic support for Druid's Symbiosis spell, Decursive should detect
any useful cleansing spell gained through the use of Symbiosis. Previously
you had to add Symbiosis as a custom spell yourself and configure it. -
Better performances for people playing in very low FPS conditions.
Fix automatic version announcement related Lua error due to wrong
communication channel. -
Miscellaneous enhancements to the error handler and debug report feature:
- Decursive will no longer tell the user to check his/her add-ons when more
than 90% of the errors comes from tainting issues or Blizzard own UI code. - Decursive will also create reports for errors happening in
Healers-Have-To-Die (instructions are changed accordingly)
- Decursive will no longer tell the user to check his/her add-ons when more
The 'Check other players' button in the about panel had disappeared.
Changes from Decursive to Decursive (2012-11-28)
Improved the live-list related option panel, it now includes an explanation on
how to set up the live-list and how to move it. -
Many improvements to Decursive's self diagnostic systems and bug reporter.
Some performance improvement when dealing with massive debuffing.
Bug fix: Workaround for the 'Script ran too long' issue happening (rarely)
when playing the alert sound (a Blizzard side issue). -
Bug fix: Fix two very rare race condition issues that would trigger a Lua
error. -
Bug fix: The macro Decursive automatically creates was using an invalid icon.
All pre-MoP compatibility layers have been removed.
Changes from Decursive to Decursive (2012-10-07)
Fix for "Dcr_DebuffsFrame.lua:854: bad argument #3 to 'str_format' (string
expected, got nil)". -
Only generate reports for taint issues blaming Decursive when Decursive is not
embedding libraries. -
Decursive will no longer generate a debug report if its alert sound takes too
long to play (strange issue happening to some users, probably hardware
related). -
Fix a "script ran too long" issue that could happen if another add-on
generated a Lua exception for the first time during combat.
Changes from Decursive 2.7.2 to Decursive (2012-09-27)
Decursive no longer generates debug reports when it is blamed for taint issues it is not causing.
Usually this happens because Decursive embeds LibDBIcon which is then used by
other add-ons to display their settings and thus triggering the months old massive taint issue Blizzard did not fix. -
Decursive won't display its nagging message about other buggy add-ons when
the error throttle limit is triggered by the aforementioned issue (usually
when you open and close your UI option panel for the first time while you are
in combat)
Changes from Decursive to Decursive 2.7.2 (2012-09-23)
- Decursive no longer adds its settings to Blizzard's Interface Options UI (in
order to avoid the massive UI tainting it caused...). I've made a (useless?)
bug report on the EU MoP beta forum that might need a bump: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/5300140681#1
So until Blizzard fixes this bug you can still access Decursive's option
through the MUF's handle or by typing /Decursive
Added automatic management of the 'Command Demon' Warlock's spell that can be
used to cast 'Singe Magic' using 'Grimmoire of Sacrifice' on the Imp. -
Renamed the 'Stop casting' check box in the customs spells' options to 'Pet
ability' as it's what it really is. Prior MoP, adding /StopCasting or not at
the top of the macro was the only effect of this option (hence its former name)
but now, Decursive needs to know where to look for the spell in order to detect
it properly. -
Allow the user to change the priority of her custom spells from -10 to +30
(this possibility is no longer restricted to 10-30). This allows the user to
configure spells that will only take over when a default ability is not
available (default abilities having a priority between 0 and 10). -
Replaced AceTimer-3.0 with LibShefkiTimer-1.0 to fix random 'Script ran too
long' issues happening with AceTimer's current implementation. -
Minors fixes and optimizations.
Changes from Decursive 2.7.1 to Decursive (2012-09-02)
Enhancement to the debug reports.
Removed the 'Flame Shock' warning as 'Lava Flows' is gone. I leave the
'Vampiric Touch' warning for now since there is 'Sin and Punishment' (a Tier
6 Shadow priest talent). -
Implemented a workaround for range detection until Blizzard fixes the API.
MoP: Detect 'Internal Medicine' talent for Monks
Changes from Decursive to Decursive 2.7.1 (2012-08-30)
Compatible with Mists of Pandaria
Added a warning when the unit your about to cleanse is afflicted by 'Vampiric
Touch' or 'Flame Shock' (just like with 'Unstable Affliction') -
Added support for Italian localization, you can contribute using the
Localization interface. -
Other locals updated (Thanks to contributors!)
Miscellaneous unnoticeable changes.
Changes from Decursive to Decursive (2012-02-05)
Changed author's name to a real name (Why should we use nicknames?).
Localization updates. Brazilian Portuguese still needs a lot of work, if you
want to help: you can contribute using the Localization interface -
Update to self diagnostic error messages to tell people that they must close WoW
while updating add-ons. -
Decursive now prints an educational message in the chat and disables
its internal error handler once a thousand Lua errors have been
intercepted. (Applicable when BugGrabber is not present)
Changes from Decursive to Decursive (2011-11-29)
TOC to 40300
Reimplemented support for people using an old version of BugGrabber, should
spam less when they are using rusty add-ons. -
Added support for ptBR localization, you can contribute using the
Localization interface
Changes from Decursive to Decursive (2011-07-03)
TOC to 40200
Fix a problem ("LiveList:Update_Display(): couldn't get range") occurring to
warlocks when MUFs are disabled. -
FIX: Some MUFs settings were not applied when switching between profiles.
removed compatibility code for older versions of WoW
Changes from Decursive to Decursive (2011-05-08)
FIX: Shadow Priests were incorrectly told they could remove magic afflictions
off other players. (This change happened in WoW 4.1 patch) -
Fix to the 'BugGrabber is spamming' issue.
Compatible with future WoW 4.2 patch (current PTR client).
Changes from Decursive 2.6.1 to Decursive (2011-04-27)
Major new feature:
- Custom spells management interface ('Custom Spells' in the option panel).
- Add any spell you want to be used on specific affliction types with
different priorities. - Edit MUFs' internal macros associated to each of those spells
(internal macros work the same way as other macros).
- Add any spell you want to be used on specific affliction types with
- Custom spells management interface ('Custom Spells' in the option panel).
- Options names and descriptions related to afflictions priorities have
been revamped to be more coherent and better reflect the way Decursive
works. (Thanks to Nerdling for his input and many suggestions)
As a result many options have been renamed and descriptions
changed or created. If you want to help to localize those changes in your own
language, you can do it using the Localization interface
available on WoWAce.com. (many phrases are requiring review, make sure their
translations are accurate)-
Decursive now embeds and uses BugGrabber to capture errors happening inside its own code base
(BugGrabber is still in developpment, the current implementation is not final) -
MUFs' Mouse-buttons associations are reset to default when installing this version.
- Options names and descriptions related to afflictions priorities have
Bug fixes:
It was no longer possible to resize the live-list or change its opacity.
Various small fixes and improvements.
Changes from Decursive to Decursive 2.6.1 (2011-03-04)
Important fix to charm detection, previously Decursive only reported
affliction related charm effects.
Decursive is now able to report charmed players even when they have no active
debuffs (any player becoming attackable is considered as charmed).
This fixes Cho'Gall's Worshipping buff detection issue (ticket 71).
Many thanks to Wcshadow for his help in fixing this! -
If a unit was invisible and afflicted, Decursive would only show the stealth status.
Talent "Body And Soul" detection for priests was no longer detected
since it was moved to tier 5 a few months ago... -
Enhancements to talents detection and initialization.
New Features:
Vertical Display option for MUFs (MUFs will grow vertically and columns
will be added when the maximum set number of MUFs per row is reached). -
Added links in main description to videos found on Youtube.
Changes and enhancements:
The "Decursive" bar is now hidden by default since it's quite useless once
you have chosen its position... -
MUFs' chronometers (timer mode) are now based on the actual duration of the
affliction instead of its discovery time. -
The handle will always be placed above the first MUF regardless of your MUF's
display options (Except when the first MUF is at the top of your screen, in
this case it will be placed beneath last line's first MUF) -
MUFs' Anchoring is now more logical, MUFs' scale tweaking will seem more
natural. -
Added visible hint on how to move the Micro-Unit-Frames in the related option panel.
Major option tree cleanup and optimization (reduced static memory usage by 14
Kib), as a result, some options have moved and other have reset to their
default values. -
MUFs' positioning system had to be rewrote to implement the vertical
display option, as a result MUFs will be reset to their default position
upon installation of this version. -
Various code optimizations and cleanup.
Changes from Decursive 2.6.0 to Decursive (2010-12-06)
- Fix: Decursive's users who are located in a region where Daylight Saving Time (DST) is
still active could trigger the new version alert for other users using the same version of Decursive.
Changes from Decursive to Decursive 2.6.0 (2010-11-28)
Pet's Micro-Unit Frames are now smaller.
A 'new-version' detection mechanism has been implemented.
Users will receive an alert every seven days at login once a new version has
been detected.
This alert can be disabled through the new option ("New version alerts") available
in the General option tab.
Slightly changed the MUFs' default colors and chronometers' font to make
things clearer. -
Reduced Decursive's static memory footprint by 100Kb.
Multiple enhancements to the About dialog when using the "Check other
players" feature. -
Typing /Decursive will now open the configuration UI instead of printing a yellowish
error message. -
Text and description change concerning MUFs' window's auto-hide option to
avoid confusion. -
Updated documentation with in-line links to various screen-shots of Decursive's UI.
Added A new section in Decursive's main page: "Interesting articles about
Decursive usage".
The article written by Darista is a very interesting read if you want to get the
max out of Decursive:
Bug Fixes:
Fix Priority and Skip list mouse button handling, it was no longer possible
to move units in those lists. -
The configurable key-binding to open the config UI was broken since the
conversion to Ace3.
Changes from Decursive to Decursive (2010-10-31)
Internal optimizations concerning timers creation.
"Magic Charm" has now a lower priority. This will prevent 'Purge' being set
on left-click by default for Shamans. -
Several fixes and additions to German localization by Freydis88.
Decursive could have troubles detecting talents for some people.
Removed old 3.5 deprecated spells when in 4.0. This fixes the error message
some users were getting about no longer existing SpellIDs. -
Other small fixes and enhancements.
Changes from Decursive 2.5.2 to Decursive
Fix chronometer display offset bug.
Added 'Improved Cleanse Spirit' talent detection for Shamans allowing them to
cure magic with 'Cleanse Spirit'. -
Added 'Nature's Cure' talent detection for Druids allowing them to cure magic
with 'Remove Corruption'. -
Added 'Sacred Cleansing' talent detection for Paladins allowing them to cure
magic with 'Cleanse'. -
Removed now useless 'Abolish' spells related options.
Changes from Decursive 2.5.1 to Decursive 2.5.2
Compatible with World of Warcraft 4.0, spells have been updated, if
something is missing, open a ticket on WoWAce.org or email me at
[email protected] -
Warlocks can use fear on charmed players.
Changes from Decursive 2.5.0 to Decursive 2.5.1
Raid Target Icons are now supported (MUFs and Live-List display)
NEW option: "Do not use 'Abolish' spells" (in the cure options). If enabled
will prefer 'Cure Disease' and 'Cure Poison' over their 'Abolish' equivalent.
(Defaults to off) -
"Check for 'Abolish' before curing" option now defaults to off. (May not be
wanted when a disease or poison needs to be removed at all costs ; it was
also confusing for some users) -
NEW option: "Allow macro edition" preventing Decursive from updating its
macro and letting the user change it and still use Decursive macro key-binding
management. (Defaults to off) -
NEW command line option to hide and disable the MUFs handle:
(/dcr HideMUFsHandle) -
German translation is now complete (thanks to Freydis88).
Remove the ERR_GENERIC_NO_TARGET debug report happening when the player
tries to use Polymorph or Purge on himself or another friendly player. -
Fix to "LiveList:Update_Display(): couldn't get range" error occurring when
not using the MUFs. -
Removed the French version of 'readme' and 'changelog' since 3 persons only
were reading those.
Changes from Decursive to Decursive 2.5.0
NEW OPTION: "Time left" for MUF chronometers. (Defaults to off) Displays time
left instead of time elapsed on afflicted MUFs. -
NEW OPTION PANEL: (under the MUF options) to let the user choose the
MUF's mouse button assignments. The middle-mouse button can be used to cast
curing spells too. -
NEW OPTION: Testing MUF display layout is now possible. Look in the MUF
display options. -
It's now possible to check Decursive versions used in your current group or
Guild (From the 'About' option panel).
The 'Unstable Affliction' warning will also work when tool-tip display is
disabled. -
Added a new option (under the general tab) to disable the three welcome
messages Decursive prints at each login. -
Enhancement: The MUF tool-tip is always displayed above the MUFs or beneath
them if it's not possible. (it can't overlap the MUFS anymore). -
The 'target' and 'mouseover' units will no longer be displayed in the
Live-list if the player is part of the group. -
Non-release versions (alphas, betas and release candidates) of Decursive will
expire after 30 days instead of 10. The expiration alert of these versions
will be displayed only once every 48 hours (and no longer at every login). -
Updated minimum library versions requirements.
Changes from Decursive 2.4.5 to Decursive
Fix a problem where Decursive would not correctly detect priest talent 'Body
and Soul' at login. -
Re-enabled debuglocals() hotfix for 3.3 when Lua error reporting is enabled.
Localization update.
TOC update for WoW 3.3.
Changes from Decursive to Decursive 2.4.5
Major changes:
Decursive has been fully converted to Ace3.
Decursive is no longer licensed under the GNU GPL, License has changed
to 'All Rights Reserved' (see LICENSE.txt). -
Due to the conversion to Ace3, there is no longer a drop down menu to
access the option. -
New option panel available through Blizzard add-ons option UI, you can also
access the options by alt-right clicking on Decursive Icon. -
Decursive options will be reset to default upon installation of this version.
Minor changes:
Fix for Shamans: 'Cleans Spirit' was not replacing 'Cure Toxins', the two
spells were both active and confusing for the user. -
Removed the 'Ignore stealthed units' option that is useless since several
years. -
The Macro key binding is now a global setting (no longer bind to the
profile). -
Replaced TabbletLib by LibQtip-1.0.
Removed DewDrop-2.0 which has no replacement in Ace3 framework.
Added an about panel.
Various little enhancements and code cleanup.
Changes from Decursive 2.4.3 to Decursive
A Lua error could occur in rare race conditions (when clicking on a MUF at the
exact moment its debuff disappears). -
'Shadoweld' was no longer detected as stealth because its spell ID changed.
(future spell ID changes will generate debug reports).
Changes from Decursive 2.4.2 to Decursive 2.4.3
Implemented a permanent solution for debuffs not detected by direct debuff events.
Made the macro options more reliable and logical:
- When the macro creation is disabled, the currently assigned key is removed.
- The assigned key is also removed when the profile options are reset.
- Key assignment feature is disabled if the macro creation is disabled.
The 'no macro key warning' is now turned off by default since this whole
mouseover macro thing is not really interesting after all... -
Removed LibBabble-Class-3.0 (replaced by _G.LOCALIZED_CLASS_NAMES_MALE)
Added an exception for the 'Dark Matter' debuff for which no SPELL_AURA_APPLIED
event is generated by the game. -
Re-enabled Lua error handler but added security checks and also dynamic
hotfixes to Blizzard_DebugTools errors that resulted in C Stack Overflows.- IMPORTANT: Because of (or rather thanks to) those hotfixes, Decursive installation may reveal some Lua errors
that you couldn't see before.
- IMPORTANT: Because of (or rather thanks to) those hotfixes, Decursive installation may reveal some Lua errors
Always use the "player" unitID in raid (was using raid# when the player was included in the priority list)
This prevents the player MUF from disappearing temporarily while a group update is in progress.
Changes from Decursive 2.4.1 to Decursive 2.4.2
could prevent Decursive from reporting afflictions in race conditions (all
previous versions are affected). -
Added Shaman's "Hex" spell to crowd control charmed players.
Added new Shaman spell "Cure Toxins".
Documentation completely rewritten and reorganised using .docmeta and markdown
formatting. Users don't have any excuse left to not read it now ;) The
documentation is accessible there: http://www.wowace.com/addons/decursive/ -
Decursive is now able to report LUA errors related to itself using the
wonderful "non-annoying after combat auto report feature" introduced in 2.4.1 :) -
Added support for AddonLoader http://www.wowwiki.com/AddonLoader (auto-load
if your class is any of Mage, Priest, Paladin, Druid, Hunter, Warlock,
Shaman). -
Added an option to disable the macro creation.
Miscellaneous enhancements and minor bug fixes.
Changes from Decursive 2.4 to Decursive 2.4.1
Added support for the new priest talent 'Body and soul' to be able to cleanse
a poison effect on self when using 'Abolish Disease'. -
Added the 'Tranquilizing Shot' Hunter spell to remove magic debuff on mind
controlled units. -
Important enhancements and fixes to the MUF positioning/scaling system:
- Changing their scale will no longer affect their position in an illogical
way. - MUFs are maintained on screen whatever happens ; their position will
no longer be reset to default.
- Changing their scale will no longer affect their position in an illogical
Multiple fixes and enhancements to charm (mind control state) detection.
Fixes to Decursive icon: now it does what the tool-tip says and it doesn't
throw a LUA error if tool-tips are disabled in the LDB client. -
The MUFs no longer depend on the 'mouseover' unit (internal simplification,
more reliability). -
Added a new advanced debug report system.
Changes from Decursive 2.3.1 to Decursive 2.4
New feature: The cool down of the curing spell to be used is displayed
(clock) on afflicted MUFs. -
Decursive uses AceLocal-3.0 ; localization is now made using this interface:
http://wow.curseforge.com/projects/decursive/localization/ -
Miscellaneous localization updates in various languages.
Re-implemented the max unit to show option.
Added a warning when the user disables Decusive and an explanation on how to
re-enable it (/dcr standby) -
Translations for key bindings descriptions (WoW key binding interface)
It's no longer possible to map the button 1 and 2 of the mouse to Decursive's
macro by accident. -
Fixes a problem if the game is loaded without any "saved variables" where the
API GetCurrentBindingSet() would return incorrect values unusable with the
API SaveBindings() preventing Decursive from initializing correctly. -
Bug fix: Charmed unit detection wasn't working if the player himself was charmed.
Bug fix: The focus MUF was not added at the end but just before pets.
Bug fix: The stick to right option (concerning the MUFs positions) was broken.
Some other minor bug fixes.