Error when Mapster and Atlasloot are enable #1061

  • Valakrass created this issue Jul 9, 2019

    Date: 2019-07-09 12:04:38
    ID: 1
    Error occured in: Global
    Count: 1
    Message: ...erface\AddOns\AtlasLoot\Core\WorldMapIntegration.lua line 75:
    Action[SetPoint] failed because[SetPoint would result in anchor family connection]: attempted from: MapsterOptionsButton:SetPoint.
    [C]: ?
    [C]: SetPoint()
    [C]: Show()
    ..\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:3205: ShowUIPanel()
    ..\FrameXML\QuestLogOwnerMixin.lua:103: SetDisplayState()
    ..\FrameXML\QuestLogOwnerMixin.lua:41: HandleUserActionToggleSelf()
    ...rface\AddOns\Blizzard_WorldMap\Blizzard_WorldMap.lua:413: ToggleWorldMap()
    [string "TOGGLEWORLDMAP"]:1:
    [string "TOGGLEWORLDMAP"]:1

    Swatter, v8.2.6241 (SwimmingSeadragon)
    Ace3, v
    AtlasLoot, vv8.10.00
    AtlasLootBattleforAzeroth, vv8.10.00
    AtlasLootBurningCrusade, vv8.10.00
    AtlasLootCataclysm, vv8.10.00
    AtlasLootClassic, vv8.10.00
    AtlasLootLegion, vv8.10.00
    AtlasLootMistsofPandaria, vv8.10.00
    AtlasLootWarlordsofDraenor, vv8.10.00
    AtlasLootWrathoftheLichKing, vv8.10.00
    AucAdvanced, v8.2.6295 (SwimmingSeadragon)
    AucFilterBasic, v8.2.6228 (SwimmingSeadragon)
    AucStatHistogram, v8.2.6230 (SwimmingSeadragon)
    AucStatiLevel, v8.2.6234 (SwimmingSeadragon)
    AucStatPurchased, v8.2.6231 (SwimmingSeadragon)
    AucStatSimple, v8.2.6232 (SwimmingSeadragon)
    AucStatStdDev, v8.2.6233 (SwimmingSeadragon)
    AucUtilFixAH, v8.2.6235 (SwimmingSeadragon)
    BagBrother, v
    Bagnon, v8.2.0
    BankItems, v8.0.1.1
    Bartender4, v4.8.3
    BigWigs, vv150
    DBMStatusBarTimers, v
    Decursive, v2.7.6.3
    IceHUD, v1.11.11
    Informant, v8.2.6246 (SwimmingSeadragon)
    KuiMedia, v
    KuiNameplates, v
    KuiNameplatesCore, v
    LibSharedMedia30, v3.0-110
    Mapster, v1.8.3
    NPCScan, v8.0.1.13
    Omen, v3.2.2
    Overachiever, v1.0.6
    OverachieverCache, v1.0.6
    Skada, v1.7.6
    SpartanUI, v5.1.6
    SpartanUIArtwork, v5.1.6
    SpartanUIFilmEffects, v5.1.6
    SpartanUIPartyFrames, v5.1.6
    SpartanUIPlayerFrames, v5.1.6
    SpartanUIRaidFrames, v5.1.6
    SpartanUISpinCam, v5.1.6
    SpartanUIStyleFel, v5.1.6
    SpartanUIStyleMinimal, v5.1.6
    SpartanUIStyleTransparent, v5.1.6
    SpartanUIStyleWar, v5.1.6
    Stubby, v8.2.6274 (SwimmingSeadragon)
    Titan, v5.17.4.80200
    TitanBag, v5.17.4.80200
    TitanClock, v5.17.4.80200
    TitanGold, v5.17.4.80200
    TitanLocation, v5.17.4.80200
    TitanLootType, v5.17.4.80200
    TitanPerformance, v5.17.4.80200
    TitanRepair, v5.17.4.80200
    TitanVolume, v5.17.4.80200
    TitanXP, v5.17.4.80200
    WIM, v606
    XLoot, v8.1-1
    XLootFrame, v8.1-1
    XLootGroup, v8.1-1
    XLootMaster, v8.1-1
    XLootMonitor, v8.1-1
    BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v8.2.0.80200 <none>


  • Forge_User_56690541 posted a comment Jul 12, 2019

    Also getting this Error using AtlasLoot and Mapster.
    WoW Patch 8.2
    Interface ID 80200

    1x AtlasLoot\Core\WorldMapIntegration.lua:75: Action[SetPoint] failed because[SetPoint would result in anchor family connection]: attempted from: MapsterOptionsButton:SetPoint.
    [C]: in function `SetPoint'
    AtlasLoot\Core\WorldMapIntegration.lua:75: in function <AtlasLoot\Core\WorldMapIntegration.lua:34>
    [C]: in function `Show'
    FrameXML\UIParent.lua:3205: in function `ShowUIPanel'
    FrameXML\QuestLogOwnerMixin.lua:103: in function `SetDisplayState'
    FrameXML\QuestLogOwnerMixin.lua:41: in function `HandleUserActionToggleSelf'
    ...rfaceBlizzard_WorldMap\Blizzard_WorldMap.lua:413: in function `ToggleWorldMap'
    [string "TOGGLEWORLDMAP"]:1: in function <[string "TOGGLEWORLDMAP"]:1>

    (*temporary) = MapsterOptionsButton {
    0 = <userdata>
    Text = MapsterOptionsButtonText {
    Right = <unnamed> {
    Middle = <unnamed> {
    Left = <unnamed> {
    (*temporary) = "TOPRIGHT"
    (*temporary) = nil
    (*temporary) = "TOPRIGHT"
    (*temporary) = -20
    (*temporary) = -3

  • ravenslair38 posted a comment Aug 2, 2019

    also getting this error using Mapster and Atlasloot



    1x AtlasLoot\Core\WorldMapIntegration.lua:75: Action[SetPoint] failed because[SetPoint would result in anchor family connection]: attempted from: MapsterOptionsButton:SetPoint.
    [C]: in function `SetPoint'
    AtlasLoot\Core\WorldMapIntegration.lua:75: in function <AtlasLoot\Core\WorldMapIntegration.lua:34>
    [C]: in function `Show'
    FrameXML\UIParent.lua:3205: in function `ShowUIPanel'
    FrameXML\QuestLogOwnerMixin.lua:103: in function `SetDisplayState'
    FrameXML\QuestLogOwnerMixin.lua:41: in function `HandleUserActionToggleSelf'
    ...rfaceBlizzard_WorldMap\Blizzard_WorldMap.lua:413: in function `ToggleWorldMap'
    [string "TOGGLEWORLDMAP"]:1: in function <[string "TOGGLEWORLDMAP"]:1>

    (*temporary) = MapsterOptionsButton {
    0 = <userdata>
    Text = MapsterOptionsButtonText {
    Right = <unnamed> {
    Middle = <unnamed> {
    Left = <unnamed> {
    (*temporary) = "TOPRIGHT"
    (*temporary) = nil
    (*temporary) = "TOPRIGHT"
    (*temporary) = -20
    (*temporary) = -3

  • serious2 posted a comment Aug 27, 2019

    I am  having this family connection error as well. Here is what Mapster's author says about this problem:


    AtlasLoot tries to move a variety of buttons that other addons add to the map, presumably to make room for its own stuff. The problem is that the code to move the Mapster button is extremely out of date and broken (ie. it references WorldMapTitleButton which ceased to exist in WoW 8.0). Additionally, to avoid this particular error, they should always call ClearAllPoints on frames they move.
    Anyway, in summary, there is nothing I can do to fix it, they have rather outdated code in there that needs fixing.

    Edited Aug 29, 2019

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