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UploadedOct 27, 2010
Size865.77 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 4.0.1
r271 | arkayenro | 2010-10-27 07:21:51 +0000 (Wed, 27 Oct 2010) | 5 lines
Changed paths:
A /tags/3.02.62 (from /trunk:270)
*3.02.62 (26-OCT-2010)*
* fixed - cleaned up references to libraries (ace2, dewdrop) that were no longer being used
* fixed - embeds.xml will be commented out of the toc file for curse no-lib downloads so it doesnt try to load embedded libraries (which arent there for no-lib)
* fixed - anchor issue
r270 | arkayenro | 2010-10-27 07:05:15 +0000 (Wed, 27 Oct 2010) | 5 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/ArkInventory.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventory.toc
M /trunk/ArkInventoryExternals.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryTooltip.lua
M /trunk/VersionHistory.txt
*3.02.62 (26-OCT-2010)*
* fixed - cleaned up references to libraries (ace2, dewdrop) that were no longer being used
* fixed - embeds.xml will be commented out of the toc file for curse no-lib downloads so it doesnt try to load embedded libraries (which arent there for no-lib)
* fixed - anchor issue
r268 | arkayenro | 2010-10-26 09:07:22 +0000 (Tue, 26 Oct 2010) | 4 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/ArkInventory.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryConfig.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryUpgrades.lua
M /trunk/Locale/game.lua
M /trunk/VersionHistory.txt
*3.02.61 (26-OCT-2010)*
* fixed - issue with ArkObject not existing on tooltips
* fixed - issue with the dragable frame background not being the correct height when the search frame was visible
* fixed - anchors should now stay in the same place when scaling the window. (some anchors may have ended up being reset to top right and you may have to use config > controls > reposition to bring the window back onto the screen)
r266 | arkayenro | 2010-10-25 06:35:06 +0000 (Mon, 25 Oct 2010) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/ArkInventory.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryTooltip.lua
M /trunk/VersionHistory.txt
*3.02.60 (25-OCT-2010)*
* fixed - issue with crash workaround code triggering incorrectly
r264 | arkayenro | 2010-10-24 20:21:23 +0000 (Sun, 24 Oct 2010) | 6 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/ArkInventory.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryCompanion.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryStorage.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryTooltip.lua
M /trunk/VersionHistory.txt
*3.02.59 (25-OCT-2010)*
* fixed - mount data correction code issue with unknown mounts
* fixed - Icebound Frostbrood Vanquisher mount had wrong spell id
* fixed - tooltip comparison issue
r262 | arkayenro | 2010-10-22 06:16:55 +0000 (Fri, 22 Oct 2010) | 5 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/ArkInventory.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryStorage.lua
M /trunk/Locale/game.lua
M /trunk/VersionHistory.txt
*3.02.58 (22-OCT-2010)*
* fixed - soul shards should reappear as an item tracking choice if you remove it and log on with a warlock
* fixed - inscription skill no longer uses the auction house category and uses the spell instead (to fix a german translation issue)
* changed - the new guild bank bag/slot sortmethod is now a separate system sort method and will need to be applied manually to the vault if required, the old bag/slot style has been reverted to its original style when used on the vault
r260 | arkayenro | 2010-10-19 02:26:12 +0000 (Tue, 19 Oct 2010) | 13 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/ArkInventory.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryConfig.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryLDB.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryMenu.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryStorage.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryTooltip.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryTranslate.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryUpgrades.lua
M /trunk/Locale/deDE.lua
M /trunk/Locale/enUS.lua
M /trunk/Locale/esES.lua
M /trunk/Locale/esMX.lua
M /trunk/Locale/frFR.lua
M /trunk/Locale/game.lua
M /trunk/Locale/koKR.lua
M /trunk/Locale/ruRU.lua
M /trunk/Locale/zhCN.lua
M /trunk/Locale/zhTW.lua
M /trunk/VersionHistory.txt
*3.02.57 (19-OCT-2010)*
* changed - mount code to work around a blizzard bug with IsFlyableArea( )
* changed - default window width set to 14
* changed - vault sorting order changed to make it look identical to blizzard interface. best results with width set to 14, sort order set to bag / slot, bar and item anchors set to bottom right, and everything assigned to a single bar
* changed - item and weapon enchantment categories replaced with item enchantment category
* fixed - config menu keybinding will now toggle the config window
* fixed - erase data should finally erase all data, including gold
* added - achievement link comparison (click on an achievement link, hover over the tooltip, press shift to bring up yours for comparison)
* added - mount window main menu now includes the ldb mount menu so you can select which mounts you want summoned when you dont have an ldb display mod installed
* removed - ldb ammo object and related code
* removed - soulshard, projectile, bullet, arrow categories, bagtypes and empty slots
* note - all data has been erased, please login to each character to update its data
r258 | arkayenro | 2010-10-14 09:15:17 +0000 (Thu, 14 Oct 2010) | 5 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/ArkInventory.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryTranslate.lua
M /trunk/VersionHistory.txt
*3.02.56 (14-OCT-2010)*
* fixed - vault purchase frame is now hidden once you have 6 tabs. tabs 7 & 8 are unlocked via guild achievements and not actually purchased (at least as far as i know)
* changed - added failsafe code for when the translation code fails to stop (unable to test accurately as i cant get mine to break)
* changed - all translation attempts now use an internal tooltip as the gametooltip may have been altered by other mods
r256 | arkayenro | 2010-10-13 09:38:49 +0000 (Wed, 13 Oct 2010) | 4 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/ArkInventory.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventory.toc
M /trunk/ArkInventoryCompanion.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryStorage.lua
M /trunk/Modules/ArkInventoryRules/ArkInventoryRules.lua
M /trunk/Modules/ArkInventoryRules/ArkInventoryRules.toc
M /trunk/Modules/ArkInventoryRules/ArkInventoryRulesExample/ArkInventoryRulesExample.toc
M /trunk/VersionHistory.txt
*3.02.55 (13-OCT-2010)*
* fixed - outiftter outfit items should now recategorise properly when changed
* updated - toc to 40000
r254 | arkayenro | 2010-10-12 05:56:19 +0000 (Tue, 12 Oct 2010) | 7 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/ArkInventory.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryCompanion.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryLDB.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryMenu.lua
M /trunk/Locale/game.lua
M /trunk/Modules/ArkInventoryRules/ArkInventoryRules.lua
M /trunk/VersionHistory.txt
*3.02.54 (12-OCT-2010) BETA 17-00-Cataclysm*
* fixed - item counts on tooltips for tokens
* fixed - backpack token display (cataclysm)
* fixed - editing rules
* updated - mounts and pets
* added - vendor price sorting as a system sort method
r252 | arkayenro | 2010-10-02 02:11:06 +0000 (Sat, 02 Oct 2010) | 6 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/.pkgmeta
M /trunk/ArkInventory.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventory.toc
M /trunk/ArkInventory.xml
M /trunk/ArkInventoryConfig.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryExternals.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryLDB.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryMenu.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryRestack.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryRules.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventorySearch.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventorySearch.xml
M /trunk/ArkInventoryStorage.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryTooltip.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryTranslate.lua
M /trunk/Bindings.xml
M /trunk/Libs/ArkDewdrop/ArkDewdrop-3.0.lua
M /trunk/Locale/deDE.lua
M /trunk/Locale/enUS.lua
M /trunk/Locale/esES.lua
M /trunk/Locale/esMX.lua
M /trunk/Locale/frFR.lua
M /trunk/Locale/game.lua
M /trunk/Locale/koKR.lua
M /trunk/Locale/zhCN.lua
M /trunk/Locale/zhTW.lua
M /trunk/ReadMe.txt
M /trunk/VersionHistory.txt
M /trunk/embeds.xml
*3.02.53 (01-OCT-2010) BETA 22-30-Cataclysm*
* fixed - issue with vault logs not scrolling via mousewheel
* fixed - issue with selecting token in ldb currency tracking object
* added - empty bag option to bag right click menu. only available on replacable bags
* removed - library libbabble-inventory
r250 | arkayenro | 2010-09-27 13:30:13 +0000 (Mon, 27 Sep 2010) | 14 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/ArkInventory.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventory.xml
M /trunk/ArkInventoryCompanion.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryConfig.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryLDB.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryMenu.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryRestack.lua
D /trunk/ArkInventoryRules.xml
M /trunk/ArkInventoryStorage.lua
M /trunk/Locale/deDE.lua
M /trunk/Locale/enUS.lua
M /trunk/Locale/esES.lua
M /trunk/Locale/esMX.lua
M /trunk/Locale/frFR.lua
M /trunk/Locale/koKR.lua
M /trunk/Locale/ruRU.lua
M /trunk/Locale/zhCN.lua
M /trunk/Locale/zhTW.lua
M /trunk/Modules/ArkInventoryRules/ArkInventoryRules.lua
M /trunk/VersionHistory.txt
*3.02.52 (27-SEP-2010) BETA 23-30-Cataclysm*
* fixed - issue with auto dismount option not appearing unless you had random selected
* fixed - rule function id( ) should now work properly for pets and mounts
* fixed - rule function tooltip( ) should now work properly for pets and mounts
* fixed - ldb pet object wouldnt summon pets
* fixed - issue with tooltip item counts being erased and not recalculated when you moved items around in the guild bank
* changed - in edit mode you will now have an entire row added to make bar moves easier
* changed - windows can now be moved off screen if required
* changed - in edit mode the bar menu will now appear on any click (and not just a left click)
* added - pet: mini thor
* added - config > controls > reposition button to pull window back onto the screen (will end up in one of the screen corners depending on anchor)
* restored - the rest of the ldb ammo object functionality for wrath users
* note - the latest cataclysm beta has recategorised projectiles (ammo), quivers and soul bags - its going to cause some warnings and visual issues with category names