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UploadedJan 15, 2020
Size1.25 MB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 8.3.0
r895 | arkayenro | 2020-01-15 23:44:37 +0000 (Wed, 15 Jan 2020) | 13 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/ArkInventory.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventory.toc
M /trunk/ArkInventoryPT.lua
M /trunk/Libs/ArkDewdrop/ArkDewdrop.lua
M /trunk/Libs/ArkDewdrop/ArkDewdrop.toc
M /trunk/Modules/ArkInventoryConfig/ArkInventoryConfig.toc
M /trunk/Modules/ArkInventoryRules/ArkInventoryRules.toc
M /trunk/Modules/ArkInventoryRules_Example/ArkInventoryRules_Example.toc
M /trunk/Modules/ArkInventorySearch/ArkInventorySearch.toc
M /trunk/VersionHistory.txt
*3.09.12 (16-JAN-2020)*
* fixed - issue with bag open and ItemInteractionFrame (corruption removal process from MOTHER)
* fixed - issue with menu library
*3.09.11 Alpha 1 (15-JAN-2020)*
* fixed - issues with item suffix handing code
* changed - equip( ) rule function will now accept the inventory type codes as well, eg INVTYPE_xxx
* fixed - bags are no longer seen as equipable items for rules
* changed - soulbound mounts that you already know are now classified as trash
* changed - soulbound recipes that you already know are now classified as trash
* fixed - tsm based rule functions will now also see battlepets and keystones, not just items
* fixed - item counts on quest required items panel
r894 | arkayenro | 2020-01-14 03:53:53 +0000 (Tue, 14 Jan 2020) | 9 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/ArkInventory.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventory.toc
M /trunk/ArkInventoryConst.lua
A /trunk/ArkInventoryData.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryMenu.lua
A /trunk/ArkInventoryPT.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryStorage.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryTooltip.lua
M /trunk/Locale/deDE.lua
M /trunk/Locale/enUS.lua
M /trunk/Locale/esES.lua
M /trunk/Locale/esMX.lua
M /trunk/Locale/frFR.lua
M /trunk/Locale/itIT.lua
M /trunk/Locale/koKR.lua
M /trunk/Locale/ptBR.lua
M /trunk/Locale/ruRU.lua
M /trunk/Locale/zhCN.lua
M /trunk/Locale/zhTW.lua
M /trunk/Modules/ArkInventoryConfig/ArkInventoryConfig.lua
M /trunk/Modules/ArkInventoryRules/ArkInventoryRules.lua
M /trunk/Modules/ArkInventorySearch/ArkInventorySearch.xml
M /trunk/VersionHistory.txt
*3.09.11 (xx-xxx-2020)*
* fixed - issues with item suffix handing code
* changed - equip( ) rule function will now accept the inventory type codes as well, eg INVTYPE_xxx
* fixed - bags are no longer seen as equipable items for rules
* changed - soulbound mounts that you already know are now classified as trash
* changed - soulbound recipes that you already know are now classified as trash
* fixed - tsm based rule functions will now also see battlepets and keystones, not just items
* fixed - item counts on quest required items panel