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Archy 1.7b8 bugfix7
- with credit to original posters of the information.

This project contains many of the community's fixes as well a few of my own and and puts them all together into a bugfix patch of the most recent version of Archy to tide people over until daihenka can return and take things back in hand.

Bugfix3 and up is based on an unreleased beta by daihenka and includes a new minimalist interface, as well as various bug fixes that the author had put in place. I have bumped the version number of Archy to 1.7b8 to reflect this.


1.7b8 bugfix7
^ - Created clone on CurseForge.com of mainline repo. Switch to SVN because I don't like Git -- Myrroddin
^ - Cleaned up toc file. Now libs should load properly -- Myrroddin
^ - Created pkgmeta for SVN purposes -- Myrroddin
^ - Import fan fixes from http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info19411-Archybugfix.html
^ - Replace esES and esMX localization files with one file called Spanish -- Myrroddin

1.7b8 bugfix6
^ - Fixed not being able to use stones. -- Snowhawk
^ - Fixed koKR locale (my fault, had something defined twice).
^ - Fixes to the currency calculations. -- Saur
^ - No longer throws error when encountering unknown digsite (future-proofing). -- Saur
^ - Fix the longstanding GetNumArtifactsByRace() is not a number error. -- Saur
^ - Correct the TexCoords for the progress bars (second time this has been fixed, see bugfix1. Didn't refix after bugfix3. Seems to be Blizzard bug because the fix doesn't seem to actually fix anything). -- Saur
* - Reorder siteData table to match blob ID order. -- Saur
* - Reordered locales to match siteData. -- Saur
* - Updates to the zhTW locale (complete, needs checked. I received conflicting translations). -- kof9x, bluecike
* - Touched up esMX locale (missing 11). -- PatoDaia
* - Updates to the deDE locale (missing 1). -- Noctum28

1.7b8 bugfix5
* - Updates to the deDE locale (missing 3). -- Drubar, Meralda, codi
* - Updates to the ruRU locale (missing 5). -- Hanomi
* - Updates to the frFR locale (complete). -- T6CT6C6
* - Updates to the koKR locale (complete). -- jprapstyle
* - All locales (excluding zhCN) now have the new dig sites added in English where a locale specific translation has not been provided. These entries are currently commented out, but should make it easier to find and correct for people looking to update their own copies in between "official" updates.

1.7b8 bugfix4
^ - I somehow managed to upload an older version of the addon and not the finished one. Good job, me! Fixes the 3759 error and the missing digsites in the locale. I don't even know how that one got zipped up.
* - Updates to the deDE locale. -- Contiki

1.7b8 bugfix3
* - This version is based on an unreleased beta by daihenka. It includes a new alternative interface and several changes related to it, as well as various bug fixes including the fps drop inside of old instances. -- Codex, daihenka
* - Old data import re-enabled. Fixed by daihenka.
^ - Updated digsite list. It is believed that we now have all the new sites. -- foxtyke, bradc, Shambarimen, mercuria, MasterAries7, bdemore, Darenia

^ - Updated Ace3 libs to r1009 per Bluspacecow's suggestion. Fixes some configuration weirdness. -- Bluspacecow

^ - GetArcheaologyRaceInfo() return order changes. -- Brandho
^ - Fixed fragment counts not updating. Related to the above change.
^ - Fix "to make the bars look pretty again." (They're still a little wonky when they update.) -- LLGames
^ - Added new dig sites, more are out there. (Need to get the blob IDs on these.) -- bdemore, chrixian, Tekz08
^ - Possible fix for GetNumArtifactsByRace() bug? (Haven't encountered myself, so we'll see.)
^ - Fixed prompt on completing artifacts not going away with training a new rank of Archaeology. (Not tested, should work. Will check tomorrow.)
^ - Fix for the nil surveys error on load. (Commented the function out. Imports old data. Assuming it works in future as it should now, it'll keep existing data when fixed.)

Known Issues
% - "Bad argument #5 to 'format' (string expected, got nil)" are going to pop up whenever a di gsite that is not currently in the addon appears. It would be greatly appreciated if you could report the name of the dig site, as well as the zone and the race for it as well. They will be added to future bug fixes to prevent this from happening.
% - Also related to the new dig sites, they are currently only being added to the enUS locale. I'm not sure how other locales work with AceLocale, so if you get errors or English for the new sites, this would be why.

Special Mentions
* - daihenka, because it's his addon of course.
* - Bluspacecow, for linking the Curse page and making me look over there too.
* - Codex, for the unreleased beta.