
About QuestItemBar

Automatically shows a bar with buttons for the quest items you possess. It looks similar to a standard action bar. It is based on Ace3 and various embedded libraries provided by the Ace-community.


  • Behaves more or less like any standard action button.
  • ButtonFacade support.
  • LibDataBroker launcher.
  • Show all or only usable quest items.
  • Sort items in order usable - not usable - quest starter
  • Indicate if a item starts a new quest.
  • Display quest name and objective status in tooltip if information found.
  • Better handling of keybinds. If a quest item is no longer in possesion the keybind will be cleared instead of jumping to another item. If the player gets the previously keybound item again it will be bound again.
  • Should work on any WoW language client. Please report if it doesn't.


  • Open a configuration dialog using the commands "/qib config" or "/QuestItemBar config" or by clicking the LDB launcher. Or simply use the standard interface -> addons menu.
  • Configuration can be done using commands too. /qib <command>. Write /qib to show available commands.
  • Change the direction (growth) by right clicking on the anchor.

Bug reports and feature requests

Please use the Ticket system. If you use it there is a higher probability that something will be fixed or implemented.


Ace community for Ace3 and the other libraries used. Authors of Bartender, Qbar, Recount for some great code examples.

Localization - BIG THANKS

  • Pettigrow, ZidayaXis, 7destiny, DroArc, eljei, bigcell, yllelder, whocare and zhTW.

Looking for Authors

Because Nickenyfiken doesn't play and my timeslots are too small to implement new features, we are looking for Authors. I try to keep the project up to date and fixing bugs, but new features are not planned in near feature.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jan 8, 2009
  • Last Released File
    Nov 2, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License


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