MagicDKP_Client [Deprecated for MOP]

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Addon Support Statement

Hello everyone. I'm no longer actively playing World of Warcraft (and haven't for many months). I'm looking for someone to take over maintenance of my addons. If you're interested, and have at least one released addon, send me a message at [email protected]

Addon Description

This is a client for the MagicDKP DKP tracking system. It handles standby tracking as well as the DKP bidding process. The main goal of the client is to minimize raid leader and dkp tracking overhead. The individual player will get a popup to confirm that they are present each time an event is logged in MagicDKP.

When the Loot Master initiates a bid, another dialog will pop up prompting the player for a bid and bid priority. The bid priority list is configured by the bid master so every guild can use their own. By default MagicDKP Client will automatically pass on items the player's class can't use. It also prevents a melee class from getting spell items, casters from getting melee items etc. Due to the nature of hybrid classes, they do not have this additional restriction (even an enhance shaman or feral druid might want to bid on caster items for offspec purposes).

Localization: Go here to help translate MagicDKP Client to your local language:

Changes in r66:

  • Changed to use the new GetItemStats() method, removing the need to parse the tooltip for stats. Should fix issues seen in for example the DE locale.
  • Added option to disable the bid dialog, in case you just want the client for standby.
  • Fixed issue where parameters weren't correctly loaded.
  • Toc update

Changes in r58:

  • Fixed issue where filter unusable setting wouldn't stick.

Changes in r57:

  • Fixed an issue with autopassing on bids related to new items not previously seen by the players client.
  • Register a bunch of sound effects with LibSharedMedia since it doesn't come with any by default.

Changes in r53:

  • Register a bunch of sound effects with LibSharedMedia since it doesn't come with any by default.
  • German localization.
  • Toc bump.

Changes in r53:

  • Enabled WoWAce Localization. Translators needed!

Changes in r51:

  • Removed debug text.
  • Added support for bid balance display and item bid history displays.
  • Create bid dialog on initialization.

Changes in r49:

  • Added option (enabled by default) to auto-pass on DKP bids for items you can't use. This includes filtering out spell/melee/tank items for classes that wouldn't use them (caster, physical and tank items respectively)

AddOn developnent updates:

If you want to get the latest news of new AddOn releases or work in progress, subscribe to my Twitter feed.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 2, 2008
  • Last Released File
    Dec 11, 2011
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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