
HotCandy is a Heal-over-Time tracker initialy designed for Druids, but has grown into a full HoT/Buff tracker for all healing classes.

HotCandy was designed to be very simple and easy to use, with only a handful of options to customize the style of the bars. However its core is powerful and supports all known set bonuses, talents and glyphs that increase the length of your HoTs.

HotCandy is driven solely by the CombatLog events which provide it with all information it needs to display accurate timers for the HoTs you cast on other players (or yourself, of course).

Supported Spells

  • Druids
    • Lifebloom (with stack display)
    • Rejuvenation
    • Regrowth
    • Wild Growth (disabled by default)
  • Priests
    • Renew
    • Power Word: Shield
    • Prayer of Mending (with remaining charges display)
    • Holy Word: Serenity
    • Divine Aegis (disabled by default)
  • Paladin
    • Beacon of Light
  • Shamans
    • Riptide
    • Ancestral Healing
    • Earthliving (disabled by default)
  • Hunter
    • Mend Pet

All supported spells can be enabled/disabled in the HotCandy configurarion, as you see fit.

You can access the HotCandy configuration through the Blizzard Interface AddOns Options, or with the /hotcandy slash command.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 16, 2008
  • Last Released File
    Feb 5, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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