
Feed Tillers

A simple Data Broker plugin that lists the Tiller, what food they want for the quests A Dish for ... and if you have completed that quest today.

You need a LibDataBroker "Broker" display.

Some examples include ChocolateBar, NinjaPanel, Fortress, StatCore. While Titan Panel supports Broker plugins, it is not a native Broker display, and comes pre-loaded with its own Titan plugins. The advantage of Broker displays (aside from Titan Panel) is that you can change display addons without impacting plugins or plugin settings.

Translating into other languages

There are are only three strings that need translating (yes, it is that simple!) and they can be found in the localization app.

Bugs and Suggestions

There is only one place for these, and the comments section is not that place. Please use the Ticket Tracker app for these. You can log in with your Curse user name and password.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Dec 8, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Jul 24, 2024
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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