
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Inspired by the now discontinued add-on BuffEnough, Energized answers the simple question: "Am I buffed?" Energized functions as a LibDataBroker (LDB) feed whose icon changes depending on your disposition. The tooltip lists which buffs you're missing, along with who is likely to be responsible for the buff. Energized is optimized for max-level players, and primarily focuses on PvE (but also supports PvP content).


  • Smart buff grouping. Energized uses a very flexible grouping system that lets it handle all equivalent buffs and consumables in the game, with room to grow as more become consolidated.
  • Low resource usage. Energized has been written for efficiency. It uses very little CPU time (particularly during combat) and very little memory. The configuration UI can be loaded separately for even more savings.
  • Highly configurable. Every single buff and consumable rule in Energized is exposed to the user through an advanced configuration system. This gives you a visual display of exactly what is being checked, and lets you configure absolutely everything.
  • Advanced tooltip. Energized uses a two-level tooltip, letting you mouse over any missing buffs to see all the people who could be providing them, and which buffs or consumables make up that buff group.
  • Understands your needs. Out of the box, Energized contains smart defaults for your class (and in many cases, your spec). Like to change specs a lot? Energized knows when it happens and automatically adjusts.
  • Quick disable. Don't care about a buff at the moment? Click it on the tooltip to disable it for this session. Joining a new group, reloading your UI, or logging out will enable it again.

You should also install

  • Energized works best with an LDB display like Fortress, Button Bin, or Titan Panel. If you don't have a display, turn on Energized's minimap icon. There are lots of displays available — if you don't like one, try another!
  • AddonLoader is highly recommended. This will let you keep the configuration UI unloaded until you need it.

Comments, bug reports, discussion

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Frequently asked questions

Does Energized require any configuration to work?

Nope! Energized is intended to work perfectly for the majority of players without any changes to configuration. Should you wish to dig deep, however, you can change literally anything about how Energized operates, including every buff and consumable it looks for.

Why is Energized slow to react when things change?

Energized has been written for maximum efficiency when it comes to CPU usage. It won't scan anything more frequently than once every few seconds (configurable). Certain types of actions (like changing your pet's attack mode) won't be picked up until Energized does it's automatic scan, which occurs every 10 seconds. In general, it'll just be a moment before Energized catches up. Just be patient — your framerate is better because of it!

Energized doesn't work very well for leveling. Why?

Energized is not intended to be used by leveling players.

How can I use different options for different specs?

In your Interface Options menu, click the + next to Energized, then select Profiles. Use this screen to create two profiles — one for each spec. Put yourself in the profile you want for your current spec. Then turn on Enable dual profile and select a profile to switch to when you change to your other spec.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jun 7, 2010
  • Last Released File
    Oct 28, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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