Encounter Journal Export

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Exports data from the encounter journal introduced in patch 4.2 into XML format. The XML can then be further processed for various purposes. Includes XSL stylesheets to convert the XML into simple html or phpbb code.

How to use

There's no UI, you'll have to use /script to call the functions. These will get the data and show it in a simple edit box. You'll then have to copy it to clipboard and then paste in some file. Exporting everything will take a bit of time and it might seem that the game crashes, just be patient.

/script EJExportAll(onlyRaids)

Exports everything. Will only export raid instances unless onlyRaids parameter is provided and is false.

/script EJExportInstance(instance)

Exports a single instance. If instance parameter isn't provided or is nil, will export the instance that's currently open in the encounter journal. Otherwise the instance parameter must either be an instance id or the name of the instance. The name of the instance is case insensitive but is subject to localization.

Example: /script EJExportInstance("firelands")

/script EJExportEncounter(instance,encounter)

If instance and encounter parameters aren't provided or are nil then the encounter that is currently open in the encounter journal is exported. Otherwise the parameters must either be id numbers or names.

Example: /script EJExportEncounter("firelands","ragnaros")

XSL Stylesheets

Two XSL stylesheets are included, tohtml.xsl and tobbcode.xsl. You can use these to convert the XML data to simple html or bbcode used by phpbb and other forum software. The exported XML data will contain a stylesheet definition for the html stylesheet on the second line. Simply edit this if you wish to convert to bbcode instead. Naturally you can also make your own stylesheets for other output formats.

Note that Google Chrome refuses to load the stylesheet for local files.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    May 15, 2011
  • Last Released File
    Sep 1, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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WoW Retail

  • r7
    Sep 1, 2013
  • r6
    Dec 31, 2011