TomTomTargetArrow will hijack TomTom to point and show distance to your fellow players in same party or raid as you. Make sure you have Tomtom installed too.
Especially useful for healers in BG's if you get disoriented and loose track of where person_01_needing_healing_and_is_oor is. Also useful if you like me fancy running BG's with a friend and wanna try to team up as much as possible without having to hover your mouse over every single dot on the map to figure out where your mate is.
Also added ability to highlight friendly-target on worldmap along with classcolors which i found handy in battlegrounds. Highlighting current target and sticky-target on worldmap.
Enables you to see distance to other people in raid inside Battlegrounds.
/ttta stick will stick to your current target.
/ttta unstick will clear stickytarget and track current target again.
/ttta calibrate opens a calibration window. If you want distance calculation inside instances, then you need to calibrate it to that zone by targetting a person in the raid/party, align with that person in either x or y axis, then move to 40 yards range excactly and press Calibrate button. If you calibrate TomTomTargetArrow with a zone other than battlegrounds and wanna share the data, it's saved under WTF\Accounts\<AccountName>\SavedVariables\. Send it to me and i will incorporate it in the coming releases.
It uses Astrolabe to aquire player positions and do distance calculations. Special thanks to Esamynn.
The concept and design is simple yet VERY practical, i am surprise no one has compliment on this addon yet.
Regarding your note about Astrolabe i agree with you Zidomo. I have hereby removed the custom version of Astrolabe. Forgive me for my noobish mistake on this. It's my first addon to relase publicly.
As to the marking Rsmozang and persisting the target, i will consider implementing that as it makes good sense. In my original version of this addon called targetDir i had something similar implemented, but ended up removing it because my "focus" (not focustarget) changed during the battle, when i realized that i wanted to locate someone else fast. Anyway i will consider it and see if i can come up with something that can satisfy both situations in a intuitive way.
Agree 100% with Zidomo. Also, would like to see this work without having to always have someone targeted. I.E. Target someone, hit a bound key to "mark" your target, and proceed.
Why include QuestHelper's "custom" version of Astrolabe ("AstrolabeQH") when TomTom already includes the original Astrolabe? Doing it this way, you have two different libraries loading doing essentially the same thing for no good reason if someone isn't using QuestHelper.