
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Stable will be obsolete when WotLK is released and is no longer under development

Stable is a expansion of Kennel using Ace3.

Stable allows for the automatic swapping of minipets and mounts when visiting the bank. For each category that is enabled, an item in your inventory will get randomly swapped for one in your bank. You can also set individual mounts and minipets you never want Stable to swap.

Usage & Commands

The chat command is /stable or /stbl (imaginative, I know ). Configuration can also be done in WoW's Interface->Addons tab.

Options are (all default to true):

  • swapMiniPets: Toggles the swapping of all minipets.
  • swapMinipetsNormal: Toggles the swapping of normal minipets.
  • swapMinipetsReagented: Toggles the swapping of reagented minipets (eg needs a snowball to summon).
  • swapMinipetsEquipment: Toggles the swapping of equipment minipets (at the moment does not swap ones that are currently being worn).
  • swapMounts: Toggles the swapping of all mounts.
  • swapMountsGround: Toggles the swapping of all ground mounts.
  • swapMountsGroundSlow: Toggles the swapping of slow (running speed) ground mounts.
  • swapMountsGroundFast: Toggles the swapping of fast (+60% running speed) ground mounts.
  • swapMountsGroundVeryFast: Toggles the swapping of very fast (+100% running speed) ground mounts.
  • swapFlyingMounts: Toggles the swapping of flying mounts.
  • swapMountsFlyingFast: Toggles the swapping of fast (+60% ground/+60% flying speed) flying mounts.
  • swapMountsFlyingVeryFast: Toggles the swapping of very fast (+100% ground/+280% flying speed) flying mounts.
  • swapMountsFlyingExtremelyFast: Toggles the swapping of extremely fast (+100% ground/+310% flying speed) flying mounts.

Some options can only be set by using WoW's Interface->Addons dialog.

Future Plans

  • I am looking for someone to localize, if interested contact me. :)

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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 16, 2008
  • Last Released File
    Oct 18, 2008
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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