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This is an addon that checks yourself, party, and raid for missing or incorrect buffs. Yes, it's yet another buff checking module, but this is one that I've been working on since TBC came out. It's heavily heuristic based * and absolutely zero config (you have enough to manage with raids already). I've looked at other buff checkers and they were all either incomplete or too complicated for my tastes.

This module is *NOT* going to do any buffing for you. Its simply a tool for checking the buff status of your raid.

What does it do differently from the other buff checking mods?

1) It's absolutely zero config. It should work out of the box. No hassle.

2) Noone else needs to have it installed for you to access all the functionality.

3) Not to knock some really nice addons that have some really nice features, but all the ones that I've ever checked miss things.

Just in the category of food buffs (as of 12 Mar 2008):

BigBrother - misses "Increased Stamina" and "Rumsey Rum Black Label"

BuffCheck - misses "Increased Stamina", "Enlightened", and "Electrified"

fmBuffCheck - misses "Increased Stamina", "Rumsey Rum Black Label", "Enlightened", and "Electrified"

FuBar_RaidBuffFu - doesn't check food buffs AFAIK without configuration

Prescription - misses "Increased Stamina", "Rumsey Rum Black Label", and "Electrified"

XRaidStatus - doesn't check food buffs AFAIK without configuration

RaidBuffStatus - misses "Increased Stamina", "Rumsey Rum Black Label", and "Electrified"

And yes, several of these allow you to configure extra buffs to check, etc. but I wanted something that worked out of the box with zero setup. Also, a couple of the mods require everyone to have it installed for you to access all the features. Noone but you needs to have MoBuffs installed to utilize it fully.

If you're looking for something with lots of bells and whistles, and lots of reporting options, and lots of configuration options, then MoBuffs isn't for you.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Mar 13, 2008
  • Last Released File
    May 23, 2008
  • Total Downloads
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