
This document contains some technical description about the inner working of Talented.

While Talented is an active project and likely to change from time to time, a large part of it's internal structure and APIs are meant to stay consistent from release to release.

This document exist for two reasons:

  • to specify what the API is supposed to do and
  • to specify which part of the code is part of this consistent API.


Template structure

Templates are represented as a data structure (a table).

The following attributes exists:

The name of the template. It always must exist and be a string. For saved templates, it must match the name of the key in the saved variable database.
The class of the template. It always must exist. Classes are the texture name of the class for player class and the english name of the unique tree for pet classes. Look at spelldata.lua for the complete list.
The optional encoded form of the template. The presence of a code attribute means that the template is packed and can not be directly used in views.
[1] ([2] and [3] for player classes) are present when code is absent. The template is then considered unpacked. Each indexes has a table value that contains the point attribution in each talent of the corresponding tree.
True for templates that are representation of valid specs. Either the player's or its pet spec are represented with a valid talentGroup attribute. Note that for pet_current, the talentGroup attribute may change.
True for the current pet template.
Description. Attribute that is generated on demand when the menu system tries to display a template. It contains the string that is appended to the name of the template (primary tree and point distribution). It is also automatically cleared when the template is modified.

Template API

local template = Talented:CreateEmptyTemplate(class)
create a new empty template, for the given class. A valid (Empty based) name will be generated.
local copy = Talented:CopyTemplate(template)
create a new template as a copy of the given template. A valid (Copy of based) name will be generated.
local template = Talented:ImportTemplate(url)
Try to convert the given url to a valid template. A valid (Imported based) name will be generated if the importation is possible. returns nil if no importation is possible.
Show the given template in the main Talented view, creating it if necessary. This will also show the Talented frame if needed.
Talented:UpdateTemplateName(template, name)
Changes the name of the given template to name, which must be a string. Note that this API may fail, in which case the name will not change.
Modify the template inline to its packed form. That is, remove [1], [2] and [3] and add code.
Modify the template inline to its unpacked form. The opposite of :PackTemplate.


Views are UI objects that can represent a template in a particular mode. Talented has two views. One is inside the main application window, the other is only shown when Shift-clicking on the menu entry.

View structure

Views have several attributes:

parent frame of the view (can be the main Talented window or another) read only
the name of the view. Must be unique. read only
the class of the view. set on :SetTemplate()
the view is for a pet tree. set on :SetTemplate()
the view is for an actual spec, it can't be modified except via :LearnTalent() set on :SetTemplate()
view display mode. Can be "view" or "edit" changed via :SetViewMode()
the template associated with the view changed via :SetTemplate()
the target template associated with the view changed via :SetTemplate()

View parent frame structure

The parent frame of the view can optionnally have some attributes that will be used by the view to provide more information and knobs to the user.

A FontString instance that will be filled with the total points used by the template, or the level required to use this template, depending on user option.
A FontString instance that will be filled with the available points left for the user to spend. Only shown for specs, obviously.

See view.lua for more information

View API

local view = Talented.TalentView:new(parent, name)
create a new view. parent must be a frame, name must be a unique non-nil value.
view:SetTemplate(template, target)
Set the template shown by the given view. template must be a valid unpacked template. target can optionally be another unpacked template of the same class that will be shown as "target".
view:SetViewMode(mode, force)
Changes the way the view is shown. There are two possible values for mode: "edit" means the view is editable. "view" means the view is not editable. the optional argument force can be set to true to force the view to redraw, even when the mode did not change.

Import and Export modules.

Talented import and export functionality is easily extensible.


You can add a new importation function by adding a new entry to the Talented.importers table.

The key should be a pattern, the value should be a function taking three parameters:

Talented.importers["*"] = function (self, url, dst)
	local template = dst
	-- parse the url and fill the template
	return template
Talented instance. i.e. the import function is treated as a method.
The import string. It matches the given pattern. It can be something else than a URL.
A empty template to be filled by the import function. You must set the class attribute.

Your function must return the dst template on success and nil on failure.


You can add a new importation function by adding a new entry to the Talented.exporters table.

The key should be a descriptive name for the export type, the value should be a function taking two parameters:

Talented.exporters["Foobar URL"] = function (self, template)
	-- convert the template to a valid url
	return url
Talented instance. i.e. the import function is treated as a method.
The import string. It matches the given pattern. It can be something else than a URL.
A empty template to be filled by the import function. You must set the class attribute.

Your function must return the generated url on success and nil on failure. Note that your function can be called for every class (and that means also pet classes).


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