
Slash Commands

PlantainDKP (PDKP) accepts the following /commands:

broadcast <yes>
Forces a broadcast of the DKP & Attendance list. Takes one argument, yes to confirm the broadcast.
req <yes>
Requests the DKP & Attendance list from the current server. Takes one argument, yes to confirm the request.
Stops the DKP counter.
Starts the DKP counter. Must be in a raid. The DKP Counter will be stopped automatically on raid disband or must be stopped manually with the stop command.
Toggles the display of the Minimap icon.
sitout <player>
Server command only. Removes or adds the player to/from the sitout list.
loot <player>
Server command only. Substracts 25% of the DKP of the player as if he had looted an item. Use when players are out of range and the addon doesn't pick up the chat loot message, or when adjusting the DKP manually
unloot <player>
Server command only. Adds 25% back to the player's DKP pool if mistakenly charged for the loot.
role <player>/"server"
Sets the running mode of the addon. If "server" is used as an argument (no quotes), it places the addon in server mode, else it will sync DKP & Attendance list with the player. This is case sensitive!
dec [*]
Server command only. Decreases the DKP & Attendance of everyone in the raid and sitout list by 1. If not in a 25man raid, you need to pass * as an argument to force the decrease.
inc [*]
Server command only. Increases the DKP & Attendance of everyone in the raid and sitout list by 1. If not in a 25man raid, you need to pass * as an argument to force the increase.
wipe <player>
Wipes (sets to 0) the DKP of the player. Use with caution, there's no undoing.
Toggles ON/OFF the broadcast of items (and cost) looted by players in raid to the Guild Chat. ON by default.
Enables DEBUG messages for Addon Communication. Default is disabled.

Whisper commands

You can whisper the raid leader the following commands:

pdkp [player]
If an argument it not supplied, or player is not in the guild, it will return your current char's DKP & Attendance. If player is supplied, it will return the current DKP & Attendance of the player.


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