Wiki/Slash Commands

#Slash Commands

##General All slash commands for OakInterruptsDisplay are accessed through the root command \oi, which is then followed by the desired command and its subcommands/flags/arguments. If you are familiar with the syntax commonly used to describe to usage of *nix command line utilities you can skip the syntax description, just note that italics are used to represent an argument that is not a predefined flag.


  • Brackets ( '[' and ']' ) are used to enclose one or more optional arguments
  • Braces ( '{' and '}' ) are used to enclose one or more required arguments
  • A pipe ( '|' ) is used to separate different options in a list of arguments, where you can only choose one
  • Italics are used to denote a value, e.g. a number or string, with non-italic arguments being predefined flags

##Commands Note that all names of lists are case sensitive.

  • new [ list-name ] Creates a new list named name. Any interrupters currently exported by OIB will populate the list, but new interrupters will not be added automatically.

  • delete list-name Deletes the given list.

  • show list-name Shows the given list.

  • hide list-name Hides the given list.

  • refill list-name Adds all interrupters exported by OIB who are not currently in the list.

  • autofill list-name Make a list automatically include new interrupters exported by OIB.

  • noautofill list-name Stop a list from automatically including new interrupters.

  • rename list-name new-name Rename a list.

  • announce list-name Cause a list to behave as a rotation, as well as announce interrupters.

  • rotation list-name Cause a list to behave as a rotation, but without announcing.

  • norotation list-name Turns off rotation/announce behaviour.

  • share list-name Share a rotation order with your group (the list must be a rotation). Group members will automatically have a display created with the given rotation.

  • debug [ level ] Turns on debugging output at the given (integer) level; this causes messages to be printed to help identify bugs. If no level is given the current level is printed; a level of 0 stops debugging output.

  • grow { up | down } list-name Set the direction a list will grow.

  • lock list-name [ combat ] Locks a list. If the combat flag is provided this will also lock the order of the list.

  • unlock list-name [ combat ] Unlocks a list. If the combat flag is specified then the order of the list is unlocked.

  • bind list-name Make a list use the reset key bind.

  • nobind list-name Make a list not use the reset key bind.

  • list Lists the names of all displays

  • config { ON | OFF } The ON flag turns on config mode, showing all displays; the OFF flag turns config mode off, hiding the displays again.


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