
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Warning: This addon is still deep in its alpha phase. You can give it a shot (and I whould be glad about it) but better don't have damage tracking enabled in any serious situation. I assume no liability for any wipes or crashes. But I'll be glad to take your bug report and suggestions after it. :)

What it does

  • displaying incoming heals and their amount for a unit in a time line graph
  • tries also to display incoming damage on the unit (by evaluating swing timers and casts). Very unstable by now, is disabled by default.


(the lines are moving from right to left as time passes by)

Original idea

The original idea for the graph and its layout comes from the addon "IncomingHeals" which has included a HealGraph which displayed incoming heals. But since it does not receive incoming heals broadcasted by the HealComm-lib (which is used by alot of the unit frame addons) I took the basic layout of the graph and recoded the whole thing for using LibHealComm.

So every credit for the idea of a HealGraph like this goes to "Tattersail" and "wT" which have coded IncomingHeals.


  • display amount and arrival of incoming heals broadcasted by LibHealComm
  • display (guessed) amount and arrival of incoming damage (currently only swing damage and damage casts)
    • does consider effect of parry
    • does consider dual wield attacks
    • does not yet consider spellcast effect on swing timer
  • display health of the unit which is updated on combatlog (not only UnitHealth)
  • arranges incoming heals and damage by the expected health of the unit at the time they will happen
  • supports user defined marking lines to indicate certain tiem points in the graph

Known problems

Note: This is still alpha, so there are probably a lot of them.

  • everytime something new :)
  • game freezes if damage tracking is enabled and a lot of mobs are attacking...guess why? xD

Todo list

  • maximize top position of amount lines at max health.
  • optimize performance and memory usage.
  • include more changeable options, especially performance and memory saving ones.
  • hide outside raids option
  • spell effects on swing timer


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 29, 2008
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
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