usage/Basic Usage

Using HazLoot in your raid

This is a quick rundown of how to use HazLoot's alpha release, warts and all, to do crazy things to your raid's loot. Refer to the Advanced Usage page (when it's written) for details on how to set up custom loot classification, and so on.

Installing HazLoot

Download the package from Curse, or from here -- make sure you've got a version that includes the Ace3 dependencies -- throw it in your AddOns folder, and away you go. Nothing special to it.

Setting up your custom data

Look in the Interface/AddOns/HazLoot folder at Bootstrap.lua and edit the Seraphim (currently hard-coded) table in there to put your raiders' names and roles in. Right now, the roles you define here are completely independent of the roles in the loot classification, so call 'em what you want. This table gets loaded as the Suicide Kings list on UI reload (persistence of changes coming soon!) Also in that folder is TheLoot.lua, a list of all the drops in 25-man Naxxramas, classified according to Seraphim's way of thinking. Classifications aren't enforced, but if you want to customize them anyway, for display to the raid, this is where you do it.

Configuring HazLoot

  1. Set Your Thresholds: HazLoot extends the Blizzard Master Loot threshold concept by setting two thresholds, soft and hard. Loot at, or above, the hard threshold is kept aside for mediated distribution (i.e., Suicide Kings, rolls, DKP, EPGP or whatever). Otherwise, loot at or above the soft threshold is randomly distributed to the current members of the raid (those eligible to receive master loot), so that each raider gets N pieces of loot of that rarity before any raider gets N+1 pieces. Each rarity tier is treated separately, so it's entirely possible (if unlikely) for one person to receive a blue and a green before anyone else gets any loot.
    By default, the soft threshold is set to Uncommon, and the hard threshold is set to Epic. To change either setting, open HazLoot's ugly-ass config pane by typing /hazloot or /hl in chat.
  2. Set Master Looter: I have no idea what happens if you're not Master Looter, but have HazLoot loaded in a raid. Bad things, probably. I'll test it one of these days, but until then, I'm assuming you're the Loot Master.
  3. Set the Blizzard Loot Threshold: This should be set to match the soft threshold. Some day soon, I'll add automatic checks and whatnots to HazLoot to do this crap, but it's not in there yet.
  4. Turn off AutoLoot: I've been writing this with autoloot off (because it effectively replaces autoloot for me, and seems to be quicker), so you're on your own if you try it with autoloot enabled. It should work fine: you can't just take stuff when you're master looter, but no guarantees!
  5. Set Pass on Loot to "Yes" (Optional): This can be useful if you want to try out HazLoot in Deadmines, or just want to ignore as much white and grey trash as you can. When you're master looter, with Pass on Loot set to "Yes", you'll only see sparklies for corpses with loot in them.
  6. Before You Start Looting: You might want to issue the /hl reset chat command. This completely re-initializes the table of current raiders, and tries to make sure that everyone's in the list. You can check with the command /hl status. The raid composition API calls don't seem to be as responsive as the actual Raid UI, which is a bit weird, but by the time you get to loot anything, it should all be there.

Killing Things and Taking Their Stuff

That's what raiding's all about, right? Looting! Bugger camaraderie: I want purples! Ahem. Once you're in a raid, and killing things, you should be taking their stuff, too, and that's where HazLoot comes in. If you've followed the steps above, you should only see sparklies when there's a green or better on a corpse. Here's what to do when you see sparklies:
  1. Open The Corpse: HazLoot scans the loot window, and automatically loots money, trash, whites and emblems for you.
  2. Distribute Randoms: Any soft loot that remains in the loot window is assigned and automatically Master Looted to a random raider, according to the everyone-gets-N strategy. You can get a summary of the distribution so far with the /hl status command.
  3. Deal With Epics I: The remaining epics (or hard loot) are then looked up in the HazLoot classification tables for their raid roles (Caster DPS, Healer, Physical DPS, Tank), ordered according to Seraphim's loot rules and printed in your chat window. use /hl announce to announce them to the raid
  4. Deal With Epics II: Open the bidding on the first item in the list with the /hl next command, which will announce the item in raid warning, with the raid roles that must suicide for it if they want it (according to our rules). Watch the bids come in. When you're ready, issue the last call command: /hl lastcall or /hl lc. You have to go to last call before awarding or going to offspec rolls.
  5. Deal With Epics III: If nobody suicides, you can announce off-spec rolling with /hl offspec or /hl os. Watch the rolls come in. (I recommend GroupFu for this, until I integrate its functionality!)
  6. Deal With Epics IVa: If the item was suicided for, use /hl w or /hl winner name1 name2 ... nameN to check the bidders against the SK List. The winner's name will be printed in your chat window, and set as win candidate for the item.
  7. Deal With Epics IVb: If the item was rolled for, use /hl winner name to set the winning candidate.
  8. Deal With Epics V: When you've set a winning candidate, use /hl confirm (or /hl c) to announce to the party or raid who'll be getting the loot. It's a "last chance to object" safeguard. To correct a mistake, use the /hl winner name command with the correct raider's name.
  9. Deal With Epics VI: If there are no objections, /hl award (or /hl a will give the epic to the confirmed winner, announce "Grats" to the raid and in group chat, and if it was a suicide, drop the player in the Suicide list.
  10. Deal With Epics VII: Move on to the next item in the list with /hl next.

Known Issues

  • "Special" Greens: HazLoot recognizes recipes of all sorts and quest items as "special" and puts them in the ordered list of mediated loot. If you find a class that belongs there, let me know by filing a ticket at WoWAce.
  • White Pets: Some old world very rare pets (like the Hyacinth Macaw) are super-rare and very valuable. There's no way to detect them right now, and HazLoot doesn't consider them at all. Not sure what to do with this, since there's no way to detect white loot on other corpses. Later pets are blues or epics, so they'd be rolled on.


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