Special Configurations

Custom TOC Comments:

Used to acquire the addons saved variables and merge them to the addon during merged configurations

## X-BuildIt:

For addon authors that would like to be completely ignored by fyryeBuildIt add the following line in your addon's toc file.

## X-BuildIt: false

For addon authors that would like to ensure their non-ace addon is detected by fyryeBuildIt add the following line in your addon's toc file.
Where SavedVariables: myAddOnDB1 are your addons savedvariables

## X-BuildIt: myAddOnDB1, myAddOnDB2, myAddOnCharDB1, myAddOnCharDB2
## SavedVariables: myAddOnDB1, myAddOnDB2
## SavedVariablesPerCharacter: myAddOnCharDB1, myAddOnCharDB2

Alternatively, if you would like to ensure your addon is recognized or ignored by fyryeBuildIt without modifying your files, post a ticket in the following format

Quote from To be ignored:

Topic: Please Ignore
Body: Addon: <your addon's toc/folder name> EG: fyryeBuildIt

Quote from To be recognized:

Topic: Please Add
Addon: <your addon's toc/folder name> EG: fyryeBuildIt
SavedVariables: <your addon's SavedVariables seperated by comma> EG: MyAddonDB1, MayAddonDB2
SavedVariablesPerCharacter: <your addon's SavedVariablesPerChacter seperated by comma> EG: MyAddonPCDB1, MayAddonPCDB2