
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Recent Changes/Updates


  • Added the fact that Rogues can use 1H-Axes.
  • Revved the Interface version.


  • The keyword parser for whispers now only recognizes true words. For example, "hey put me on the wl" will add the person to the waitlist; however. "isn't my new axe kewl" will not.


  • Added an option in the set configuration to allow one to run loot backwards. This facilitates the looting of tier tokens first.
  • Updated the PDF file.


  • Minor bug fixes.


  • Fixed a bug with rogues not showing up when filtering for 1h-swords.
  • Timers will now pick up where they left off when one reloads ui. For those concerned about losing their data to a WoW crash, you can now /rl anytime and the timers will remain.


  • Players can now whisper 'furious' to receive tells outlining their points in each set.
  • A Set Detail option was added to the Detail pane dropdown. Choosing this will display the items awarded/banked for the currently selected set.


FuriousRaid is a raid loot system that has in game tracking and loot distribution. It was developed to fill the needs of my guild. We like it and we thought others may like it to.

The system itself is not DKP, it is very similar to Suicide Kings. It is essentially a queue. One accrues one half of a point every 30 minutes (i.e. ultimately one point an hour). When someone loots an item their points are reduced to zero (or by one if they are already at or less than zero).

What the addon does is:

  • allow one to make pools of points under this system.
  • run timers that will automatically add half a point to everyone in the raid every 30 minutes.
  • run the bidding on loot that drops, and then assist in masterlooting the item to the winner of the bidding round.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Oct 25, 2007
  • Last Released File
    Dec 6, 2009
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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