This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

EasyDKP is an in game DKP management system, for a simple queue system DKP. So you can view and manage your EQDKP in game.

A simple queue works as follows : Players earn DKP however you choose to do it. As an example : items cost their itemLevel so when an item drops the player that gets it is charged its itemLevel and the other players earn that number of points shared out - eg: Naxx 10 epic is iLvl 200, with 10 players in raid they earn 20 points each - 200/10 = 20.

Loot is offered to the person at the top of the list, if class appropriate. If they want it they lose the value eg: 200 for that Naxx 10 epic, and thus drop down the queue. If they pass it gets offered to the next on the list etc.

EasyDKP makes this system easy.

You can export your DKP data from your EQDKP site and then in game click the appropriate classes and have displayed in chat the queue of those classes. eg: a spellpower cloth chest drops, so you offer it to mages, warlocks & priests. Tick those boxes press ok and get the list.

Once you allocate the item EasyDKP then subtracts the itemLevel value from that player thus adjusting the queue in game. So that as you progress through a raid on that night the dkp list in game is always up to date.

Once the night is over use CT_RaidTracker or similar to upload the results to your EQDKP website for a permanent record of the looting.

EasyDKP is a ground up re-write for Ace3 of two old no longer supported addons called DKPInfo2 and EasyDKP which needed updating to work for WotLK and which I'd heavily modded for my own guild. Having decided to go Ace3 and merge two addons into one I created this addon page afresh as the resulting addon will achieve the same end result as those two did pre-patch but will be a completely new addon.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Nov 4, 2008
  • Last Released File
    May 17, 2009
  • Total Downloads
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