Project 2386

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Talented adds spec templates to the Talent UI.

Talented 3

Talented is getting a large update for wow 4. It will no longer replace the default UI but add a new Tab to it, with most of the previous functionality present.

There is an alpha release available on wowace. It's still missing some major parts, but it should give you an idea of the new interface.

Talented_Loader is no longer needed (and in fact will create problems if left installed, so remove it at once).

Update feature List

  • Create and view templates for all classes and all pet types.
  • Set a specific template as a target, and see it when you're spending your next talent point on level up.
  • Apply complete templates with a single click, after a talent wipe.
  • Hunters can view the spec of their pet and apply templates to them.
  • Share your current build with other, or any template you've made.
  • Import templates directly from the Blizzard Talent calculator, wowhead or wowdb.
  • Export templates as URL to wowhead, wowdb or the Blizzard Talent calculator.
  • Allow pet templates to be imported from and export to wowhead pet calculator.
  • Inspection of other characters will also inspect their alternate spec, if they have one.
  • A macro command /talented apply <template> allows to automatically apply a template based on its name.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Sep 13, 2007
  • Last Released File
    Jan 2, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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