Rundown IV

This is a from-scratch version of Kaelten's old KC_Rundown/KC_Items addon from 2005, which has long since died. It was sorely missed in my household, and there were no replacements that fit my needs exactly. Necessity being the mother of invention, this addon was born.

Rundown does substring searching of your bank and bag contents. It works cross-character and cross-realm, so you can track down where you left that stack of crafting materials. It can search guild vaults. It uses as little overhead as possible. It specifically does not try to be everything and the kitchen sink.

If you have downloaded this addon from anywhere other than directly from Curse or WoWInterface, then it is outdated at best and infected with viruses at worst. Clone sites not only leech bandwidth from us, lately they've been adding malware as well. Get your addons from safe sites with a good reputation!


You will need some of the DataStore [link] library modules installed, because I am sick of writing bag-scanning code. (Also, this means that if you are using other addons at the same time which use the same library, like Altoholic, there is no duplication of storage or wasted memory. You can even switch between using multiple bag-search addons if you like; there are plenty of good ones out there!) Specifically, you need the Characters module, and either or both of the Inventory and Containers modules. Installing the Inventory module lets you search equipped gear; installing the Containers module lets you search bank/bags/vaults.

The versions of DataStore required to work in Legion are 6.0.002 or later. In fact, because formal releases of DataStore are so rare, it's recommended that you use the "alpha" packages for Legion as follows.

The "Files" tab for DataStore and its various modules will have download links for the unreleased zip files. Get the latest 7.0.x version for each, unpack them like usual, and try to enjoy. Be aware that "-nolib" installations of DataStore are bugged and should not be used.


  • Type /rundown to open the window, and enter a search string in the box at the bottom. You can also type the search string after the slash command.
  • If you have an item you want to search for, you can drag it into the search box, or link it after the slash command.
  • You can do multiple searches at once by separating search strings with semicolons. For example, "/rundown peacebl;silverleaf;earthroot" to find everything that could be milled into alabaster pigment.
  • /what and /rd are synonyms for /rundown.
  • You can shift-click an item in the results window to link it back into a chat box.
  • Further info is in the in-game Help window.


  • The new Reagent Bank is supported, however, purchasing the bank and using the Deposit All Reagents button does not trigger DataStore's scan of the contents. After you have purchased the bank and/or clicked the Deposit button), you must move anything inside the reagent bank to trigger the scan. Doesn't matter what you move, or where you move it to; you can shift a stack of Wrinkled Bear Ass skins one spot to the left and then back.
  • Maybe search through other things also. I hesitate to add more data sources because I don't want to write a replacement for Altoholic.
  • Finding some Really Cool Way to integrate with the bag/bank/vault search fields added in patch 4.3 would be Really Cool.


  • There are only a few options available, but they make large changes. I encourage people to play around with them to find what you prefer. None of the options will lose data.
  • Options are accessible through the standard Interface -> AddOns menus, or by clicking the options button at the bottom of the Rundown window. If you use a slash command followed by any of "-option[s]", "-opt[s]", or "-config", then you'll get the options window instead of the normal one. Ditto for "-?" and "-help" for the instructions window. A slash can be used in place of the dash.
  • Bank data is only available after you log on to a character and open the bank. Ditto for each tab of a guild vault.
  • There is no "reset" button; the Rundown options window will let you delete all stored data for specific characters/guilds.


If you're a reasonably proficient speaker of non-English languages, any translations you can do would be welcome! Just make changes at and then send me a PM to notify me. I can offer nothing in return except public credit, my appreciation, and a beverage of your choice if you're ever in town.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jan 26, 2011
  • Last Released File
    Aug 27, 2016
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