
What this mod does

This mod will allow you to automatically roll greed, need, pass, or if the setting is disabled, let you manually roll on loot based on customized loot rules.

By adding customized rules, you can do things like roll greed on all Bind on Equip items, except in Karazhan. You could also let it ignore all Bind on Pickup items, to let you manually roll on them.


Automatic loot settings for each category:

  • Need - This will roll need on the loot in this rule.
  • DE - If an enchanter is present this will roll disenchant
  • Greed - This will roll greed on the loot in this rule.
  • Pass - This will automatically pass on the loot in this rule.
  • If no loot method is selected, you will have to manually roll on the items.
  • You may select multiple methods.

Loot rules can filter loot based on the following:

  • Bind on status
  • Can I Roll filter - Checks if you can roll differently
  • Class / Spec - Checks if you are on a certain class / spec (does not check if the item is good for your spec)
  • Equip slot
  • Equipable - Only checks if you can actually equip the item. (does not check if the item is good for your spec)
  • Group/Raid - Checks when in a group or raid - Use ZoneType for normal/heroic types.
  • Guild Group - When the group has a percentage of guild mates.
  • Inventory - Can check if you already own an item.
  • Item Level (or formula based on current equipped level)
  • Item Name (partial or exact)
  • Item Price - Vendor value.
  • Item Type and SubType
  • Learned Item (recipes/mounts)
  • Loot Won Counter/Comparison - How often you have won an item with the rule
  • Player Name
  • Quality
  • Required Level (or formula based on current level)
  • Uniqueness
  • Usable Items - Checks for red text in tooltip - Good for recipes/mounts/pets.
  • Zone
  • Zone Type - Outside/Group/Raid - Raid Finder / Normal / Heroic
  • Confirm BoP filter to accept BoP item popups
  • Confirm DE filter to accept DE item popups (use care with this one)

Stat Matching

  • Grab the PassLoot_ItemScales addon - Currently has support for Pawn.
  • If you would like support for other addons let me know which ones.


  • Rules are checked for a match in the order they appear.
  • You may have more than one of the same type of filter.
  • Each filter type must have at least one match.
  • Items may not match any exception.
  • If ( matched rule ) then ( roll ) else ( skip rule )
  • Rolling is attempted in the following order: Need > DE > Greed > Pass. (Depending on what is selected)

Logic Example 1

  • Quality -> Rare
  • Quality -> Epic
  • Binds on -> None
  • Binds on -> Equip
  • Binds on -> Use
    This will match IF (Rare OR Epic) AND (None OR Equip OR Use)

Logic Example 2

  • Item Type -> Armor
  • Item Type -> Weapon
  • Item Type -> Plate Armor (exception)
  • Item Type -> 2H Maces (exception)
    This will match IF (Armor OR Weapons) AND NOT (Plate OR 2H Mace)

Logic Example 3

  • Quality -> Rare
  • Quality -> Epic
  • Binds on -> Pickup
  • Usable -> Unsuable
  • Zone Name -> Halls of Reflection (exception)
  • Zone Name -> Pit of Saron (exception)
    This will match IF (Rare OR Epic) AND (BoP) AND (Unusable) AND NOT (HoR OR PoS)

Roll Logic Examples

  • -Need +DE +Greed -Pass = DE > Greed
  • +Need -DE +Greed -Pass = Need > Greed
  • +Need -DE -Greed +Pass = Need > Pass
  • -Need +DE -Greed -Pass = DE > Manual roll

Basic Usage

  • To open the configuration menu, type /passloot
  • Use Add button to create a new rule (Rules are processed in the order they are listed)
  • To remove a rule, select the rule and click the remove button
  • To move a rule up and down in the list, select the rule and click the up/down buttons
  • Once a rule has been selected, you can edit the description or change it's filters.
  • To add a filter to the selected rule, select the filter you wish to add and click add.
  • To remove a filter, select the filter in the Active Filters window and click remove. (You can also shift-right click the filter)
  • To edit an active filter, select the filter in the Active Filters window and change it's properties. (You may have multiple filters of the same type to match)
  • To test an item to see how PassLoot would roll, type /passloot test <shift-click an item>

Example 1 If you want to roll greed on all BoE items, except when on a raid in Karazhan, you can do the following:

  • Rule 1: (Greed)
    • Zone -> Karazhan (Exception)
    • Binds on -> Equip
      (You can add more Bind On filters to the rule if you wish to add Bind on None or Bind on Use.)

Example 2 The only way to have it roll Need if condition X is met, and Greed if condition Y is met is to have 2 separate rules.

You wish to manually roll on all epic items, roll greed on all rare non-bop items items, and roll Disenchant on anything else (and greed if no disenchant option is available)

  • Rule 1: (nothing checked)
    • Quality -> Epic
  • Rule 2: (Greed)
    • Binds on -> Pickup (exception)
    • Quality -> Rare
  • Rule3: (Greed + Disenchant)
    • (no filters added)


  • Default settings
    • Mod: On (If this setting is off, it won't do automatic pass/greed/need on anything)
    • Quiet: disabled (If this setting is enabled, you won't see what it rolls on)
    • All loot categories are disabled by default to let you manually roll on them.
  • When rolling greed or need on BoP items, WoW will still ask you if you are sure you want to roll since it will bind on pickup. If you want to auto click yes on the BoP confirmations, add a Confirm BoP filter to the rule.
  • The Loot Won Counters are only incremented when you win loot. It will remember what rule was matched and will increment that counter accordingly.



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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 10, 2007
  • Last Released File
    Nov 24, 2016
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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