
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

4.0.1 Info

See the following page for info about 4.x and Cataclysm:


MailboxPlus is an addon designed to completely replace several separate addons with something Ace3-compatible, actively maintained, small, light, and fast.


-Dropdown list of mailed toons, which can be used to quickly send a mail without using the keyboard


-Take all items and money from the inbox -Take all items and money from a single mail -LDB support to track the number of mails pending and any Auction House invoices, including what sold and for how much -Communication with other users of this addon to let them know of an incoming mail, including the subject and any item/gold content

Please Note

This project is in alpha status and it may have bugs. I also have a family that I take care of, so if I don't respond immediately, that is why, however I will try to fix errors that appear asap.

In the current release, only the dropdown on the send mail window, and some options exist (accessible thru the blizz options, or /mbp). Most of the options don't do anything yet, but the dropdown does function.

Note that the recipient list is sorted alphabetically, so any toon with a name starting in the later characters of the english alphabet, or any name starting non english characters will not appear if you send mail to a lot of recipients. I'm trying to think of a workaround, possibly letting you sort the list instead of it being alphabetical, or maybe adding a scrollbar instead of having to limit the length.

Note to localizers: Some of the strings are still in a flux, and may change. Please check back regularly to make sure strings you have localized still exist and are correct.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Feb 7, 2009
  • Last Released File
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